
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Roblox Racing

In previous articles, We have seen about clans and other war/sports/activists groups on roblox, BUT what about Racing? Many of you might be aware of a Contest in 2010 by Matt Dussekar. In this he promoted Racing on roblox. But prior to this there were many racing groups on Roblox. The most famous Track ever to be taken by free modelers was made by, Giordanengo. Nowadays Roblox Racing is hosted by Racers like, Mystic48 & Bobafett03. If you wish to be part of Roblox Racing please feel free to message them.

Some Screen-shots from; Roblox Open Wheel Legends Series:

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OR Ask me on Twitter
Follow Flingi2 on Twitter

Friday, April 29, 2011

CSDU Biohazard!


CSDU Biohazard

The time is near! CSDU Biohazard is being uploaded as we speak.

CSDU Biohazard intro:

Marov; an international terrorist has created the ultimate Bioweapon. He launches his jet bomber and drops the formidable weapon on the city of Satona a populated city of ROBLOXIA. The weapon is unknown, but military officials fear it contains a terrifying virus. Overlord the CSDU commander, sends in an elite team of specialists: Hazmat Alpha. But when contact with Alpha is lost, Hazmat Delta is quickly brought into the picture. Hazmat Delta's commander: Captain Ghost is sent with his squad into the city: to find the original team, and to eliminate the infected victims. Within minutes Ghost quickly realises they may not be enough to stop the horde of infected...


Thursday, April 28, 2011

New Britsh site logo!

To celebrate the Royal wedding, ROBLOX News has changed its logo to a a Union Jack! As many of you already know, I am British. We drink tea, eat scones and of course enjoy the odd crumpets. So I say rejoice Americans and other ROBLOX News viewers and celebrate the day with us.

Good Day Old Chaps.

-Sir Arbsworth the 4th


Featured Submission

A Featured Roblox New banner submitted by, IRlyDontKno.
Via Twitter

~ Have questions?
OR Ask me on Twitter
Follow Flingi2 on Twitter

It's time to celebrate!

For Queen and Country!

ROBLOX is having their own Royal Wedding day party! To celebrate the big day, ROBLOX has released some amazing hats.

To also celebrate the big day, I created an obby!

Will you make it to the wedding in time?

Happy Royal Wedding Day!

From SirChickenNugget and all the other ROBLOX News Staff.


ROBLOX News Blog Survey Results!

34 People completed our survey I would like to say a huge thanks to all the people that participated.

Here are the results:

Q1. How often do you on the ROBLOX News Blog?

Daily: 85.7% - 30 People.

Weekly: 8.6% - 3 People.

Monthly: 2.9% -1 Person.

Yearly: 8.6% - 3 People.

Q2. Do you like the ROBLOX News Blog?

Yes: 97.1% - 34 People.

No: 5.7% - 2 People.

Q3. What would you change about the ROBLOX News Blog?

Most people said 'Nothing'. But some people asked for a Forum, which is being developed.

Q4. What do you like about the ROBLOX News Blog?

Most people said 'Everything'.

Q5. Why do you visit the ROBLOX News Blog?

A majority of people said 'Because I like to see new interesting things about ROBLOX'.

Yet again, we thank you for participating in our survey.

-SirChickenNugget and the RN Staff.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

ROBLOX News Building Contest: Party Place!

Hey guys!

We are launching a new building contest! To celebrate us reaching 1k Pageviews a day we want you guys to make a party place! It can be whatever you wish as long as it is party themed and includes cookies. A nice and simple contest, now go bake some cookies and maybe some cake! The winning place will be of course featured but also used as ROBLOX News' official party place for hundreds of users! There will also be an entry prize which will be be emailed to you when you enter!

To enter, simply:

1) Create a Party place on ROBLOX.

2) Email the link to the place and some screenshots of you in it to AND
(Titled '1K Party') - make sure you leave your ROBLOX Username!

3) We will look at your entry and most probably visit them, then judge the winners!

This idea came from SirChickenNugget.

Current list of Users who have found all the eggs!


If I missed you off on this list, please shout at me and I'll add you right away!



Monday, April 25, 2011

Roblox Review: ☣Zombie Defence 4☣

You know, those things that you think only want to hug you but in reality wish to devour your brains? No, not Santa Claus, I'm talking about zombies. Zombies, the most second most overused monster on ROBLOX, (Second only to Jason) There are a lot of zombie games out there. There's rarely a day when zombie games haven't been on the front pages of ROBLOX games. Some are awful games and others are well done. ☣Zombie Defence 4☣ is a good zombie game that has a few flaws but if polished could go a bit higher up on the zombie food chain.

Gameplay 8/10
One of the first things I noticed about this game was the fact that it had music. I'm a big fan of music and this was some good music. I sometimes wonder why most games don't have music. Anyway, you spawn in a fortress area with a big green button next to a door. Naturally, I pressed the button and took a look outside. There were around 10-15 zombies all coming straight for my head. I managed to run outside but was obliterated in seconds. Apparently the zombies were one hit kills. I messed around with my pistol and realized that it was a one hit kill as well. Anyway, when you get outside there isn't really anything to do other than shoot zombies. I suppose that's the point of all zombie games but there isn't anything to explore. No hidden weapons. There's no cover to hide in to shoot zombies. The map is incredibly puny and if you stay in the fortress you can survive but if you go outside you die. It's as simple as that. Also, when after my traumatic experience with the zombies I respawned and realized that the zombies had gotten inside the base and were now spawnkilling me. This went on for a while and I realized it wouldn't stop so I left the game. That's one of the biggest problems with zombie games.

Effort 7/10
The first thing I noticed about this game was the picture he had on the front. If you click the above link and look at the thumbnail you can see that it's pretty snazzy. There are a lot of buildings around the area. Judging from the creator none of them are free models. The models are very well built and I enjoyed looking at them. However the rest of the area was rather bland. There wasn't much cover to hide from zombies if you went outside. The ground was flat and boring. Basically if you wanted to go to the other side of the map you had to make a mad dash across a field full of zombies. Also, seeing as the zombies are pretty much one hit kills it's almost impossible to survive. It looks like the creator spent a good amount of time on this place but there are still some things to patch up

Creativity 6/10
You all know that there are tons of zombie games on roblox. Some of them are awful. Some of them make you wonder whether the people who got it to the front page have some kind of problem or something. There's no getting around the fact that zombie games have become overused. You need to do something different to make yours way cooler than the others. This map has a few interesting parts to it but not that many. I like how going to McDonalds and eating their food replenishes your health but you can't get by and just that. You need something unique that no one else has thought of.
Final Verdict 7/10


  • Fix one hit kill zombies, experiment a bit and find a number that works.
  • Fix Spawnkilling zombies. Put the spawn up high or something
  • Add some hidden weapons to the game to make it more interesting
  • Bigger map
  • More cover
  • Make the fortress look cooler
  • Make different types of zombies?
  • Give me a cookie
If you want your place reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about your place! I'll be glad to give you ideas on your place and help make it better.

Roblox News Egg Hunt Update: BADGES

Yes! We are working on Badges for the EGG Hunt, New tough Eggs will be added to the GAME! The Egg Hunt will probably end by Friday? [FUN FUN FUN! =P].

[Thx to sonic1263123]

~ Have questions?
OR Ask me on Twitter
Follow Flingi2 on Twitter

The ROBLOX News Blog Survey.

Take the new ROBLOX News Blog Survey now!



Sunday, April 24, 2011

We Wish You A Happy Easter!


ROBLOX News Egg Hunt Update

Hio! The RN Egg Hunt started a bit glitchy at first, but now everything is up and running and perfected! Thankyou to everyone who suggested ideas for it! I also thank everyone who played the game and everyone that will play it. I've decided to keep it running for a few days next week, so you have plenty of chances to catch eggs and maybe get yourself featured on this website!

To play the Egg Hunt click HERE

ROBLOX News Egg Hunt

You may have noticed suspicious occurrences happening on the new staff account: RNEggHunt. Well for the past week some of the ROBLOX News staff have been working on an exciting egg hunt for you guys! We made a simple c-framed map with some classic and retextured eggs. When we started nearing the end of the week, I soon realised that the egg drop script would not be finished and perfected by today, so we changed the style of the egg hunt to more of an actual hunt than an egg drop. Each egg has its own unique spot on the map, some are easy to get, while others require more effort. See if you can get all the eggs around the lava obstacle!

So without further a do! Click HERE to get to the Egg Hunt place and get hunting!


Elegant Easter Winners!

1st Place - Hooded Easter Bunny by HadesDude

2nd Place - Seein' eggs by nuke98

3rd Place - Egg Bandit by NARHAR

4th Place - McBunny`s bunnysome fedora by DJDillo

Congratulations to the winners! Each one will be tweeted to the admins and will remain on the blog forever so everyone can see their wonderful work!

Extra congratulations are due to GollyGreg though, as his first ever retexture made it to the featured entry list!

Two more Featured Entries!


Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Elegant Easter Retexture Contest is now over!

The contest is over, so please do not send in any more entries! We have had lots of imaginative and brilliant entries from you guys, and you have surprised me (again). The entries are in the process of being judged, the winners will be announced some time during Sunday (probably early). Thanks for taking part and remember, if your entry was not featured and didn't win, don't be disheartened. There is always the possibility of improving and winning another! It will be a tough choice and anyone who entered should be proud!

Elegant Easter Retexture Contest Featured Entries!

Here are some Featured Entries:


Place of The Week.

I've seen some brilliant places this week, but one stood out from the rest it's fair to say that our winner this week is theRal, owner of the amazing place 'Bomb Survival II'.

'Bomb Survival II' is a sequel to the original hit 'Bomb Survival' but with more games, more tools, more bombs and more fun! In 'Bomb Survival II' there has been many improvements including a Data Persistence script which enables you to leave the game at any point and return with the exact same money/point as before. The game also has some well scripted GUI's showing how many points you had and a shop too, in the shop GUI was a plentiful amount of upgrades and tools some made you walk faster and others gave you more health points.

The game also has four modes, so if you don't want to get obliterated by bombs you can go onto the Treasure Hunt mode or if you like bombing, you can go onto Battle mode. There are 4 current modes but there may be more coming explosively soon. (Modes: Battle, Treasure Hunt, Survival and Miners.)

As you can see, this game was a clear winner you should go and check it out as soon as you can.



1000 Page Views party!

Yesterday, ROBLOX News reached another goal and milestone: 1000 Page views a day, this may not sound that much, but over the past year we have had our page views multiply by 100! Our page views from the start of this year have multiplied by 10! I thank everyone who views the blog, especially the regular followers, who follow the blog and check it daily! At the start of February, believe it or not, we got a maximum of about 110 views a day! 1000 Page Views is quite a large amount for a blog, and quite a lot for a site without any means of advertisement.

I think this is a great achievement and of course, it deserves a party!

If you have any ideas for a RN Party, post them in the comments below!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Elegant Easter Retexture Contest Last Chance!

Hio, Arb here! I'm launching a new Easter Retexture Contest. So what kind of Retextures can you come up with? An awesome easter cap? A shiny new top hat? An elegant blade? Some classic hats relived? It's up to you! The contest will end some time on the Easter Weekend so get retexturing! I don't mind receiving a few eggs, but please I don't just want eggs!

So if you would like to enter, simply:

1) Create a retexture and upload as a model to ROBLOX.

2) Email the link to the retexture model to AND - Make sure you send it to BOTH
(Titled 'Elegant Easter') - make sure you leave your ROBLOX Username!

3) We will look at your entry and judge the winners!

RN Mobile App Submitted!

Yay, The RN Mobile app has been successfully submitted for review by Apple!

RN Mobile App Icon Contest! Winners!

Winners Announced!
The Winners of the 2011 RN Mobile App Contest have been decided! It was a tough decision for the staff to make, but after the process of elimination, I am proud to announce the top 4 icons!

1st Place: IBarrageI
2nd Place: Xuber
3rd Place: NARHAR
4th Place: Flingi2
There were so many great entries, I am sorry if yours wasn't picked, they were all good!

Now for the prizes!

1st Place will receive their icon being used, and one free (Paid) app of their choice from "Double Trouble Studio".

2nd Place will also receive one free (Paid) app of their choice from "Double Trouble Studio".

3rd and 4th place are honorable mentions and sadly receive no prize.

Thank you all who entered!


Good Friday Goodness: BunnySuit!

Hio. It's almost sunday, and we know what that means! Chocolate Eggs! ROBLOX has released some new Easter hats and re-released old hats and gear! They will be in the catalog for a limited time so get yours today!

Now, on to my BunnySuit. As you may have seen there is a new Bunny Hat in the catalog, this has also been released with the Bunny Body which of course is BC only. But what does that leave all you NBCers out there? Not to fear, Arbs BunnySuit is here!

Click HERE to get the BunnySuit pants

Click HERE to get the BunnySuit shirt

Uprising Clans? - Part 2.

Here is the view of a Domination Clan General, Lil2Mario of the Vaktovian Empire.
Do you think Domination groups over power Peace Keeping Groups (as at the moment Peace Keeping Clans have higher numbers)?
You know, I definitely think that domination groups have a chance, while there are more peace keepers that out way the dominations, I think the rules aren't black and white, peace keeping groups are subjective and hypocritically, If they really were peace keeping they wouldn't fight, atleast domination groups tell you what they really want to do, so they aren't afraid to do whatever it takes.

Domination groups have the right to declare war on anyone and everyone. Do you think it's a good a idea to be able to do this, as it can raise hate level of the group as well as fear?

It depends on the group, it's a case by case thing, and FEAR's hate level is based on jealousy, however most of it's leaders are unlike because they are greedy C&Gers, who use the unsuspecting members to keep their wallets full, winning or dominating isn't important
Do you think eventually Domination Clans will over take Peace Keeping Clans?
At this rate, Yes. However so many kids of this "good guy mentallity, so I think there will always be a balance.

The majority of Peace Keeping clans rely on numbers in strength. Most Domination clans have trained elite soldiers.
If there were to be a war between PK Clans and Domination Clans, who do you think would win?
As I have said, there is no value in untrained soldiers, the numbers aren't a factor, because of server size, clan warfare all depends on psychological warfare, trained soldiers usually don't cry or post on the wall for help, making the other groups appear weak, also, they don't need to TK to break into bases, or just run around shooting, suppression is the quickest way to win in a group war, all about destroying moral.

Thanks to Lil2Mario.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Roblox News Group

Are you our Fan?! Do you want to get more involved with us in roblox? Then Join our Group on roblox!

Click here

~ Have questions?
OR Ask me on Twitter
Follow Flingi2 on Twitter

Roblox Review ★Who killed Telamon? ™ *Obby*★

Some themes are ridiculously overused. The "Who killed _____ " obstacle courses have been used way too many times. There are a few good ones but most are just the same exact thing over and over again. ThatGreyMan's obstacle course was a bit different from the others but it could use some improvement.

Effort 7/10
This game is different from the others for a few different reasons. The creator bothered to C-frame some levels which I imagine took awhile. However, most of them were normal everyday 'jump over the brick' levels. The creator did a few things to add a personal touch but lacked much effort at all on the tree level. Simply placing Green slabs of grass on the tree which magically held themselves up. The final level though used quite a few C-framed bricks and placed them in areas that could only be jumped on if you went in the right path. All in all he used a few C-frames but most of the other stuff was a bit bland. It could use some more decoration of some kind. Perhaps a different kind of skybox?

As I said in the introduction the "Who Killed" genre of obstacle courses has been brutally overused. However, the creator has done a few things to it that make it stand out a bit. The creator added a downhill lava ramp, something I have not seen much of in obstacle courses, it was a shame that I skipped it (see gameplay) Afterwards the creator made a "leap of faith" level that did something interesting that I had not seen many obstacle courses do. Most of the other levels were bland everyday things. I suggest adding something new and different that other people haven't done a million times.

The game starts out like so many others, the player spawns right next to a rather bloody spectacle of Telamon lying on the ground. Why gruesome models like this are allowed to exist I have no idea. When I first came I was impressed that the creator had bothered to C-frame the beginning trial "Hmm." I wondered. "Maybe this place isn't so bad after all" I quickly went through the beginning lava hop and jumping on pillars and such when I came to yet another C-framed area. A down-hill ramp with lava placed periodically. The creator made the simple mistake of assuming that torsos cannot activate a spawn point. When I received a sufficient amount of 3rd degree burns on my body to kill me instantly my torso managed to fall down the lava ramp and hit the spawn point and allowing me to skip that level entirely. After that there was a running thing where if you did not stop running you would fall and die. I haven't seen many of those and it wasn't a billion miles long so I won't complain. After that there was a climb a tree level which we've probably all seen plenty of. Then you had to jump off the top of a tree onto a platform that teleported you to the next and final level. In the final level you had to jump from block to block perfectly or you would fall to your death. There was one path that would lead you straight to it and the others all ended in dead ends. After that you find out who did it and you get free tools that you receive in every other game. My advice? Put something different in the winners section. A hat stealer, gear the doesn't kill people but that would annoy them sufficiently. Something to pass the time. Also, add more levels, the entire map lasted around 10 minutes before I beat it. Make it more challenging and more fun.
★Who killed Telamon? ™ *Obby*★ receives a 7/10
  • Add more levels
  • Make levels more challenging
  • On lava ramp level make sure players can't cheat
  • On choose a path level make the wrong paths kill bricks
  • Make levels more creative and different
  • Add more winner's items

If you want your place reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about your place! I'll be glad to give you ideas on your place and help make it better.

RN Mobile App Icon Contest!

So far the contest is great! Everyone is submitting some wonderful icons.
Here are some:
The App is officially done (v1) and ready for your icon!