
Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Limited Heads Up! (Tutorial)

Some of you may have heard Roblox generally turns old contest items and classic/old items into limiteds. Some even search out for these items that people think will become limited. Here a few tips and instructions on how to receive these items.

1: Go to the Catalog and at the left click the Tab that says Top Favorites under Browse. A few colums below you should find All-Time under the Time category.

2: Next click Next Page at the bottom of the page. You will have a link that looks like this.

3: Then in the middle of the link you will find

Change that "2" to any number which will automatically change the page. I suggest you pick a larger number bringing you to non-favorited hats, although still good to liking and possible to become limited.

4: When you look around for an item the main things you need to look for are the Creation Date and Amount Sold. The longer created the better chance it will go off-sale. The price doesn't affect the hat that much, but the higher the price most-likely less will be sold being greater to the owners.

5: When going for contest hats, just try to create an unusual, yet interesting game that fits the topic and everyone likes.

I hope you enjoyed this Tutorial and choose the limited that suits you! Comments and questions can be answered at the bottom.


Flora's Knight
Flora's Knight

Knitted Beanie Dino
Knitted Beanie Dino

New limited items! Still a couple remaining so BUY NOW!

Also thanks to Deltaforce96 (Intern) for alerting me about these hats! If there is a new limited item out there PLEASE notify me on my twitter!

Thanks for reading! -Cheesety210 (@Cheesety210

ROBLOX Rally Countdown timer is now into hours!

Everyone is getting really excited for the upcoming ROBLOX Rally! There are many things to look out for there! Even users who can't attend can see the action, we have our very own staff member attending the Rally!

So, what are you looking forward too the most if you are going? If you aren't going, what would you most want to see?

Post your answers in the comments below!

W's Top Hat: Rumors Confirmed

Many rumors are going around about the classic W Top Hat. Many people are saying the hat is going to become a limited item. Many say Win is going to make the hat for sale again. I am here today to clear up the rumors. The W's Top Hat was not even made by Win. Whitelite001 is the creator of the fabulous luminescent hat. For all of you who think the hat was made by win look again. Win made the W Inc shades that is it. He is trying to take credit for a hat he didn't make. It would be cool to see if the hat does go back on sale, but do not believe anything Win says. Your most reliable source would be to ask Whitelite001.


Jirachidog: My Roblox Story

Hello, some may know me, but to fully introduce myself I'm jirachidog. I was an hired as Intern on 7/30/11.

One day I was on YouTube in April of 2009 watching some random video and I happened to see an Ad Leading to Roblox. Like most people they get caught on the, "Build/Create Anything slogan," so I clicked the ad. Around this time the main feature was the gaming era. The first game that I played was Classic Paintball by Miked. That was the game that hooked me.

A year or two later.....

I pretty much had found my way around and learned the tactics of this site. I learned how to invest, make advertisements, build/C-Frame. I would say I had pretty much a Roblox "career" where you made enough money to be set or some think of it as a job. This was when I had really enjoyed the features of Roblox like hat and gear selling, being able to work in groups to help on a project, and foruming. (Longer Version will be continued)

One day I clicked on the News Tab and pretty much just scanned through it. I wasn't really sure of going to off-site news blogs, so a couple months of reading the Roblox Dev. Journal which I wasn't to fond of, I switched to RNews. As I read, not knowing what type or articles they made, I was amazed at how they were composed. This was when I really wanted to start writing articles for any news group blog. I had once seen an article for becoming a staff, although being confident I didn't make it. I saw another one and missed again. I decided not to give up on what I wanted to do and applied for intern, and luckily I made it the last time. I enjoy working for Roblox News even though it's my first day. And I thank arbirator and hope to get to know the staff. And I can't wait to introduce the secret project arbirator has given me.

If you would like contact jirachidog or ask any questions. You can pm me on Roblox on Jirachidog. You can send me an email on Or get a hold of me on twitter on @jirachidog.

Posts Coming Up: Investing History and The Secret Project

Saturday, July 30, 2011

ROBLOX Rally Retexture Contest featured entries!

Here are some featured entries, both DetlaForce and I like!
They are colourful and creative:

ROBLOX Pirate Hat by TREVOR818730

ROBLOX Rally Cap by jesse005

ROBLOX Rally Headphones by Gkku

NEW Interns: Second Roll-call!

Hio. Reading more applications I have decided to hire two promising applicants who are set to be great interns!

So, here they are:

Jirachidog has a been a long, devoted supporter and follower to Roblox News. He has applied every time we have opened for hiring, and a while back I promised him a position. Jirachidog is working on a secret project for me and so is not currently shadowing anyone. We will update you on who he is shadowing at a later date!


GamerBlock is new to Roblox News. He only recently discovered us, but sent a good application. He wishes to help out with the site design and has knowledge of HTML and C++. So I thought it would be sensible to place Gamer with Flingi. GamerBlock will be shadowing Flingi2 - our site manager.



Rally Retexture Contest winner!

Hey guys! This contest was hard to judge for DeltaForce96, a lot of the entries were caps and ties, but we managed it down to one winner! The winning entry was made by benningtonguy, it was a simple design, with the rally logo, nice colour scheme and matching flag. There was obviously some effort put into this, and that's why it was chosen. There were other interesting entries however, like the TV with the ROBLOX Rally logo in it, that was cool. However, I did not judge the contest!

The winning entry can be found HERE.

This was a real quick contest, so don't be disheartened if you didn't win. Some cool entries will be featured tomorrow for runners up! There is a much bigger retexture contest coming soon, so lookout for that!


Interview with weinmanj

Today I caught up with the infamous forumer: weinmanj!

1) When did you start foruming? Did you always post to RT?

I started foruming in the Fall of '09. I probably posted a few times before then in various sections. Back when I started, I mainly posted in the Off Topic section. Today I mostly post in Roblox Talk, but I also post in Let's Make a Deal and Off Topic.

2) How did you get so many posts?

Just by accumulating them over the one and a half years I have been posting.

3) Would you say foruming is the most enjoyable part of ROBLOX? Why?

Although foruming is part of the site, I wouldn't say it would be the most enjoyable part of ROBLOX, even though I post regularly. Building, in my opinion, is more fun than foruming because it is a way to express your creativity and to make a cool place that you imagined for you and others to enjoy. Also, I would also say game play is more enjoyable because you can see what other fun and amazing places users have built and scripted

4) If you were to add a feature to the ROBLOX Forums, what would it be?

I think the option to see real-time, such as various other websites, would be pretty cool on the ROBLOX forums. I think it would be a pretty cool feature being able to see threads pop up while on the page. I also think signatures should be introduced.

5) What is your favorite item in the catalog?

My favorite item in the catalog would probably be the Void star. I wanted the Void star hat ever since I first spotted it selling for 20k tickets.

6) What is your favorite place on ROBLOX? Why?

I don't have a favorite place on ROBLOX, but I think sword fighting games and racing games are my favorite types of games because I find them enjoyable. I also like visiting other people's detailed creations because they amaze me.

7) What is your favorite food?

Anything barbecued. :D

8) What are your hobbies outside of ROBLOX?

I play sports such as soccer and I hang out with friends.

9) And finally, what games do you play other than ROBLOX?

I play various other games. On the computer, I play computer games such as SimCity4 and Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. I am also thinking of joining MC in August.


LiveStream is starting in 10 minutes. Be there at
Staff: Follow Cheesety210 in-game now

Possible exclusive ROBLOX Rally virtual item?

**UPDATE** Gear is now on sale, turns out it's not for rally! **

I was just looking around the site, when I came across a new gear item on ROBLOX's profile. I immediately thought that this could be the item given to all users who attend the ROBLOX Rally on Monday! It looks quite interesting and has got positive feedback from users who have tested it out in-game.

So what do you think? Do you think it's the virtual item for the ROBLOX Rally? You can find the Bongos HERE.


Friday, July 29, 2011

NEW ROBLOX News Contest: Roblox Rally Hat

The Roblox Rally is almost here. The Rally is going to be huge. Roblox News wanted to start the rally weekend off by a hat contest. We want your rally hat ideas. Potray what you think the rally will be like through hat retextures. Tell us why you chose your hat in the model description. Tell us what that hat means to the rally. We hope you enjoy the rally if you are attending. Have fun and be safe. Here is an example.

So if you would like to enter, follow these simple instructions:

1) Create a Retexture and upload to ROBLOX as a 'model' (Check out some retexture tutorials if you're not sure how to do this)

2) Send an email to "' with a link to the Retexture Model. Title the message 'Roblox Rally retextures'. Include your ROBLOX Username! Deadline is tomorrow night , July 30th at 12 am. Winner will be announced Sunday August 1st at 7 am.

3) We will review every entry and pick the winners! The winner will receive 1,000 robux from Deltaforce96. Also your hat will be sent to Brighteyes. I can not guarantee it will be published but it will be looked at by her.

Limiteds TO Invest Your Hard Earned Robux Into Part 2

After bringing you part one that was full of fantastic limiteds I reminded myself that I still had more hats to classify as great buys. Just a quick reminder to everyone wanting to invest. Always buy a hat under the lowest price available to give yourself room to make profit. Do not be afraid to haggle. Some people respect your willingness to try and grab a bargain deal on their hat. Without further ado I bring you the first limited.

The purple Indy is skater hat that has a lot of potential into becoming a big limited item. Again this hat sold for 7 roux like all the other skater hats. 18 limited sellers remain selling this hat. The current price is 25k. This hat shows some promise into become a big money making item like the Star Tailslide and Red Grind. All it needs are some buyers and time.

The Dr Shamrock Shades are another hat showing great promise. They have only been out for four month and the price has raised from 500 robux to 3,500 roux. For a retexture of the Dr Love shades, this hat still rakes in the money. I do like how the prices of this hat are climbing but the fact that it is a retexture limits the Value. I think it will reach 4k robux at the peek of the investment season.

An expensive hat to buy and make profit on is the Ice Crown. It is currently at 100,000 roux and is climbing. If you have around 75 to 80k roux I would try and haggle sellers down. This hat makes great profit I just do not see someone spending over 100k for a piece of Ice fitted into a crown mold.

The Helm of Secret Fire is a great investment for all roblox users. Currently at 4,000 robux, then it starts jumping to 6k and 8k robux. This hat is a great investment because not only does it look cool, it also can rake i profit. I recommend trying to buy this item for around 2,500 to 3,000 roux. That way you are guaranteed profit.

Show off your Bling Bling with the Golden Top Hat of Bling Bling. Not only does it provide a special swag boost to your ego, it always provides roux in your profit. Their are prices jumps from 3,300 to 3,500 roux and then to 4,000 roux. To guarantee some profit I recommend buying this for 2,000 robux. At most 2,500 robux.

The last limited to make profit on is classic. And Al Calpone wore one. The Classic Fedora! The Classic Fedora is currently at 4,000 robux and jumps around eventually landing at 5,000 robux. To ensure profit I recommend buying this hat for 2,500 or at most 3,000 roux. This hat is classic but the robux you make a the present. Have a limited item for me to critique? Have any questions on limited item investing? Tweet me I am @Deltaforce96

Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Limited Hat!

New Limited hat on roblox. 162 left, selling for 600 robux each. I recommend buying this hat. Great profit to be made


RANT: 1000 ways to get traped

Alright, how many of those 43573948 ways to die games have you seen? Well this game is TOTALLY differet because you get trapped. Right? WRONG it's exactly the same as all those others. Some of these traps I know I've seen before. Others are dim and unimaginative.
Gameplay 1/10

Much like those other games, the goal is to get as many Wipeouts as you can. Granted, some of the traps are different and new but others are simply too obvious. also, there aren't 1000. I counted around 28 so the creator has some work to do.
Effort 4/10

Some of the traps I know I've seen before but there are some new ones. My biggest complaint about this is that the whole map is just traps lined up in two rows. It would be a lot cooler if they were inside some kind of room but he just put them in.
Creativity 0/10

There is nothing new and different about this game. It's exactly the same as the others.
Overall 1.5/10

  • Try coming up with a more creative idea.
  • Add 972 more traps.
  • Make the place look prettier
  • Make people get Panphobia

If you found an awful front page game that you want reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about that place! I'm always happy to RANT about horrible front page games.

Also, you should follow me on twitter even if you don't have a RANT or review request! Sometimes I invite my followers to go to places with me to help review them.

Reviewed place: 1000 ways to get traped
Reviewed by: Banjobug
Published by: Flingi2

Hat Review: Valkyrie Helm

Hello Robloxians. Let's take a look at a true ROBLOX Classic, the Valkyrie Helm. A hat born of imagination, as you can see, but there are a few things I would like to point out.

The Valkyrie Helm is priced: Tx: 30,000

Texture: 6/10

This is an old hat, so it doesn't have an awesome texture, but because of the fact that the hat is old, you can't really blame them for not having the best texture artists in the world.

Mesh: 7/10

The mesh is brilliant, but there's one major flaw. At the back, the strap doesn't even touch the back of the head. Take a look at the screenshot to the right. As you can see, there is a pretty big gap between the head and the strap.

Creativity: 10/10

At last, a creative hat. It's only a shame that only the old hats are creative. I wish they made hats as creative as the old ones, but with better textures and meshes.

Overall: 8/10

This hat is perfect for people that want to look old or professional. This hat is priced 30,000 tickets, about 3,000 robux for the Trade Currency, but it's worth it.


Limited Items: Tips and Tricks

Today I will be talking about Limited Items! First, let me tell you a story:

I was scrolling through the catalog when I found a new Limited Face “The Prankster” It was 95R$, I bought it then put it on. I didn’t like it so I took it off and forgot about it (Another reason why ROBLOX should have a “Try” feature). About 3 months later I saw it again. I looked down in the Private Sales and some-one was selling it for 1000 R$, I automatically sold it for 950R$ and someone bought it in a couple days. That is 95R$ to 950R$ (That’s 10x).

Forgetting about it is a good way to be patient
  1. Make sure it is a popular item!
  3. Make sure it will sell!
  4. Make sure you will gain money, even with the MarketPlace Fee!

Right when something gets sold out the prices are really low; if you didn’t buy it in normal price, buy the lowest price (Only if its RIGHT after it gets sold out).

As time goes on it goes up and up and up. Eventually an item hits where it won’t go up anymore, you can use the Average Prices to see when it hits that point. It will look more of a straight line then up, another tip is to watch it for a week, if it goes unusually high, sell it. But as more ROBLOX users get more money everything will go up and up and up so the more you wait the more profit you get!

Limites TO Invest Your Hard Earned Robux Into

I have already answered the question of what limiteds not to invest your robux in, so why not tell you what items to invest your robux in. The first item I recommend buying is the Star Tailslide (pictured below). For a hat that started out at 7 robux, it has really made a price jump. It is currently selling for 40,000 robux. Since only 100 are in existence this hat is very rare. If you have 40,000 robux and are looking for profitable hat, the Star Tailslide is your best bet.

Another hat I encourage you to invest in is the Sparkle Time Fedora. With its shiny luster the Sparkle Time Fedora shows power and wealth. It is currently selling for 74k. The prices on this hat have been raising and raising. When I sold mine back in march the prices were only at 34k. I do not see the prices lowering at any point soon.

If you have 400,000 robux why not invest in the Dominus Fridgus? The Dominus Fridgus has only been out for 4 months and the prices have skyrocket from 39,000 robux to 400,000 robux. A huge price leap. Why ignore these statistics? They are only telling you to go buy one.

Another limited I have dug research up on is the Dominus Infernus. With only 11 sellers this hat is extremely rare. The hat was originally sold for 26,000 robux. Now it is being sold for 400,000 robux. If that is not a price jump I do not know my roblox limiteds. If you can fork out 400,000 robux, I highly recommend you buy this hat.

You can not have a limited investment post without including The Darkheart originally sold for 2,000 robux. Their are only 100 in all of roblox. Only 17 limited sellers remain selling the Darkheart. Today the Darkheart's lowest price is 286,000 robux. A 284,000 robux upgrade from a year ago. If you have 286,000 robux laying around using it as chump change this limited may be good for you. This is also the best sword in roblox. If you are a sword fighter this limited would benefit you greatly.

The last limited I recommend buying is the Dr Love Shades. They were first sold for 500 robux. Only 400 are in roblox. Today the shades sell for an average price of 5,900 robux. I would recommend buying this hat because the prices have increased tremendously. Have any limited item questions? If you do have a question pm me on roblox or tweet @deltaforce96

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

LiveStream: Why, Where, When?

Why: We are doing a LiveStream "Test" this week, it will be our first thing but we will see how it goes and see if we should continue it or not. So what we will be doing is doing a Livestream ( of all the staff in-game, us staff will be answering questions that I (Cheesety210) will pick from the livestream chat!

Where: , when the livestream starts I will do a post that has this link, so don't worry about keeping it.

When: Saturday the 30th
Time Zone Times:

  • Alaskan: 10:00AM
  • Pacific: 11:00AM
  • Mountain: 12:00Noon
  • Central: 1:00PM
  • Eastern: 2:00PM
  • British Summer Time: 6:00PM
If you're time was not on here please post in the comment section below (RWJ) with what time you are in and I will edit the time in the thing!

If I missed anything please let it in the comments and I will add it on later!

Be there at the studio 10 minutes before times:

RNLiveStream will not accept FR's unless you are RN staff, if you are RN staff, send a FR to him.


Hat Review: Chair Racing Intern

Hello Robloxians. Because of Roblox News getting new Interns, I've decided to review Chair Racing Intern. However, if Roblox News's Interns actually do chair races while they're supposed to be working... Off with their heads.

The Chair Racing Intern is Limited.

Texture: 5/10

They did the person on the chair fine - except I think they did the arm color wrong - but I think the chair could've been better. I would have liked it if the chair looked as if made of felt or leather, but that's just me.
Mesh: 5/10

The mesh could have been better. Many things were a bit misplaced. The arms are a little too low on his torso, the legs are slightly off the chair, and the torso isn't touching the back of the chair.

Creativity: 8/10

I have sometimes wondered who thought of the idea of chair racing. It's clever and creative, but it also sounds a bit dangerous. I blame John. Anyway, turning their silly little game into a hat was also creative.

Overall: 6.5/10

This hat is rare and expensive. If you love creativity a lot, and if you are very rich, of course, buy this hat to brag about it.


How to Forum!

Bayat again, and I'll be showing you how to Forum on ROBLOX's Forum page.

There are quite a lot of forumers.
I recommend to be mature, and talk with punctuation.
It makes it easier for people to understand you.

First off, start out by going to the Forum Page.

Then click on any topic that interests you!
I'll use ROBLOX Talk for an example.

On this screen, you can either make your own topic, or reply to another topic that's been already made.

I'll make my own topic.

It will take you to this menu.
From here, you can put in the subject, and the message of what you wanna talk about.
I'll fill it out for an example.
Be sure to keep what you're posting on topic!

Here is my example.
The "Do not allow replies to this topic" check box means people won't be able to reply.
I'm gonna keep it on so people can reply to my question!
Now I'll click post!

Now it will redirect you to what you have posted!
And that is the basics of foruming!

Thanks for reading!
(Albert Avery)

(Idea for this tutorial was by Deltaforce96)


Limiteds NOT to invest your hard earned Robux in!

I have been asked by many Robloxians about which limited items to invest in. Today I am here to tell which limited items NOT to invest in.

The first limited item that comes to my mind is Telamon's Foe Hammer. It can be viewed HERE.
After been released a month ago, this limited item still has 95 sellers. Selling for 26,100 robux this item will very very hard to make profit from if it sells out.

Telamon's Foe Hammer

Another limited item I find interesting is the Violet Sneaking Slytherer. It can be seen HERE. After being out for one month this item still needs 182 buyers before it can become limited. At a starting price of 700 Robux, this item will be very hard to make profit out of.

Violet Sneaking Slytherer

The last Item I came across was the Korblox King. This item has been out for a month and still needs 80 buyers in order to become limited. At a starting price of 5,000 robux, again this limited will be very very hard to make profit if it can find 80 people to buy it. This item can be found HERE.

Korblox King

Have any limited items for me to critique? Tweet me you suggestions and ideas, @deltaforce96

deltaforce96 : My Robloxian Story

Hi I'm deltaforce96. I joined roblox back in 2008. My story on how I found roblox is rather funny. I was on Mini Clip playing Club Penguin when an advertisement in the bottom of the screen caught my eye. Roblox : Build Anything. I think that was the slogan at the time. I clicked it and found the game sort of stupid so I laughed and closed the link. A month later I saw the advertisement again. This time I clicked the game section. A game called Heli Wars caught my eye. I thought it looked cool because at that point in my life I wanted to blow almost everything up. I found the game amazing and signed up for the account Deltaforce96. 3 years later I am here today serving as an intern for roblox news. Along the way I ran into a big dispute with the roblox forums. I am now portrayed as someone I am not and am trying to change that destiny. I thank arbirator for giving me that chance to show robloxians that I have truly changed. I am a summer intern working on the catalog of RN with my great friend Cheesety210. If you have a limited item or catalog questions feel free to tweet me (@deltaforce96) or pm me on roblox. I am always glad to help.

Cheesety210: His Story

       Hi, as you may know I am the new Intern for ROBLOX News! I was hired on 7/25/2011 but got announced as a new Intern on 7/26/2011!! And now for the story about my trip into ROBLOX News:

       I joined ROBLOX 2/4/2009, now I am a 2-year veteran! In 2009 I automatically was addicted to ROBLOX, I didn’t know much (Just like a lot of new people), and in the first game I ever played I met a user named Justcescooby! Justcescooby taught me how to buy clothes, build, use the Trade Currency, and even some basic scripting.

       In 2010 I became a Veteran, that’s when I got into forum posting, I wouldn’t do a super lot but I sure would do some! I mainly did S&A where one idea of mine actually was put into effect. Today I have 2000 forum posts!

       Early 2011 I started a ROBLOX twitter account (@Cheesety210) and that is when I met some people that have changed my ROBLOX career for the better. Also this is how I met Arbirator and found out about ROBLOX News! If some of the people reading this don’t have a ROBLOX twitter, get one. Look what it did for me; I am now an Intern at one of ROBLOX’s biggest “Fan/News” sites, and it let me meet some really wonderful people! I applied to RN once and wasn’t accepted. I applied again to the one that happened two weeks ago, got a shoutout from Arbirator but wasn’t hired. Finally at the internship I got a shout-out and was promptly hired! This just shows if you don’t make it once; don’t quit and try again!

       In the beginning of July (2011) I heard that a guy named Nexx (@Nexx_Tech) was asked by ROBLOX to make a ROBLOX Review site, where users can submit their own reviews. About a week before the site was actually out for testing I starting talking with Nexx, when the site came out he made me a moderator for the site. Now the site has about 100 members and growing every day! This was a big boost in my ROBLOX Career! (

Some Info About Me:
Do I Answer ALL PM’s : Yes
Do I Accept All FR’s: Yes
Do I Donate: No
Do I Accept Donates: Yes
Am I Awesome: Yes
I will be working in the catalog with my great friend DeltaForce96.
So Anyway PLEASE send me PM’s about anything and I WILL answer! I am very happy to be working with ROBLOX News!
So until my FIRST actual post in RN, Goodbye!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Objects for advanced Scripters!

There are two new objects that will be helpful for advanced scripters!
The objects are:

Here is how you would use them:

-- test custom events by connecting an event to a receiver, then raising it
local receiver ="CustomEventReceiver")
receiver.Receive = function(num)
print("RECEIVED A NUMBER:", num)

local event ="CustomEvent")
-- receiver.Receive callback will now be called if event.Raise is called


For more information, look at the object browser in ROBLOX Studio.
Help>Object Browser


NEW Interns: First Rollcall!

As most of you know we are currently looking for exciting interns to join our team for the summer, we are looking to crank out a lot of stuff during the holidays and we are even working on an awesome secret event!

So, without further or do, here are our first newbies to join the team:

cheesety210 has been an enthusiast about Roblox News for a while now, he has supported us and has long awaited the intern hiring. I chose him to become an intern because of this and the need for a member of the team to cover the catalog. He will be here with us during the summer, working on articles about catalog releases and what to buys. Cheesety210 will be helping me with this and is of course shadowing myself. Give him a warm welcome!


Deltaforce96 has shown impressive English skills with his application, presenting to me an article which was published for a contest. He too, has been an enthusiastic reader and had set a goal to join our team. He wishes to redeem himself after a run-in with some of the ROBLOX community and I respect this. During his stay this summer, he will be also working on catalog articles along with cheesety210 and will be shadowing myself. Give him a warm welcome!


So, there we have it! Our first interns! More interns are to come later in the week, and no, they won't ALL be shadowing me! Once again, I hope you guys have a great summer!


NEW Staff member: Hashifox!

Hi guys! Just thought I'd let you know that Roblox News has a new member of the team. Hashifox is going to be working on interviewing place creators about their brilliant games. This will be a new style of interview and is bringing something fresh and new to our blog. His application sent two weeks ago was brilliant, one of the best I have read and I knew immediately that I was on to a a winner. So everyone give Hashifox a warm welcome and I hope to see some of his work soon!


Monday, July 25, 2011

New Roblox News Updates

I have added some new features on Roblox News today!

First is hidden Blogger Navbar, if you are a staff move your mouse to the top of the page to see the navbar. In IE9 the navbar is invisible.

Second Update is a Automatic scroll to top button, when you scroll down the button below will show up and just click it once to scroll to top!

~ Have questions?
OR Ask me on Twitter
Follow Flingi2 on Twitter