
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mission, The Forgotten City: An Interview with the Creator

Mission, The Forgotten City!  (New Ending)

Today Roblox News brings you an interview with djbrian2, the creator of Mission, The Forgotten City - an interesting post-apocalyptic game with a slick interface and matchmaking system and great use of cut-scenes to push the story forward. It features blood-thirsty monsters and bosses, atmospheric lighting, and the option to play either single-player or multi-player. To get insight into djbrian's thoughts on his game, check out his interview responses below. 


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Changes for the Worst - Weekly Group Article

Hello guys, here is the first of a Weekly Article Topic. This article topic is based around groups that have not advanced like you would expect, but have instead deteriorated dramatically, leaders that have become corrupt, or high ranks that go bad. This week, the group is The Federal States of America (FSA) and the main topic is their leader.


Sunday, July 27, 2014

New Site Theme Overview!

Hello readers, RayMan36 here with the reason I'm a god among men. I'm talking about the brand spankin' new Roblox site theme, which only 20% of the community has. There is a screenshot below:

I'm kidding.


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Place review: Prison Life v.03

Hello readers, xLando here reviewing a game, not ready for the front page.

Warning: I will be entering biased against this game, it does have some pros, such as having a mediocre map, and decent graphics.


Friday, July 25, 2014

Interview with Summer Games Winners, Part 3

ROBLOX Hiking_Image
Welcome to the third article in our five-part series where we interview top players from each of the ROBLOX Summer Games. In this particular interview I caught up with OneWithEvil, a top daily player at ROBLOX Hiking and we discussed his feelings on the event and tips for users attempting to get the much-valued Player Points. He had a daily score of 3,987 Player Points and held first place for daily score on Thursday. Check out his responses to the questions below. 


Place Review: Paintball 2

Paintball 2! Closed Testing_ImagePaintball 2 is a brilliant game to showcase during the Summer Games, with hardly any faults I can think of. It is a fantastic specimen of a great first-person shooter. It is one of the three Summer Games I enjoy playing; and it's definitely one of my favourites.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Roblox News: Summer Interns 2014

It's that time of year again; Summer! For the past three years Roblox News has run a successful internship programme. We select a handful of promising applicants and introducing them to the world of gaming journalism. Last year we had a fantastic batch of fresh writers - some of which stayed on at Roblox News to perform full-time roles on the blog. Roles include site journalism, game journalism, and catalog analysis! The scheme has harbored some great accomplishments for Roblox News, and through this method of recruitment we are able to better develop the skills of future employees and better tailor them to our blog than we would through a simple recruitment process. 

How do they work?

Each intern will be assigned to a specific member of staff called a 'mentor' to 'shadow' them. They will observe the staff member's role on the blog; learning about the articles they publish and how they can produce articles of the same high quality. From the staff member, the intern will learn job specific skills. The intern will be focussed on one section of RN's site, whereas a staff member may be performing several different roles at the same time. This gives the intern the ability to study their area closely and develop experience relevant to it. It will be the mentor's responsibility to private message their shadowing intern after each one of their posts with four positives points and one target to improvement in the next. This is important so the intern can build on their skills, but mentors can also practice responsibility and leadership skills through the programme.

How do you apply? *Deadline 12:00am PST Monday 4th August*

This year we are running the exact same programme (with the exception of the mentor's new duty) and will hopefully be accepting even more interns! Anyone who wishes to take on an internship here at Roblox News must send an application via private message to arbirator on ROBLOX. Applicants should have fairly good experience and knowledge of the ROBLOX site, including the games, catalog and forum sections, and should have competent English skills.

The application should include:

  • Your favourite aspect of the ROBLX site
  • Your ambition on ROBLOX
  • Why you want to become a summer intern at RN
  • Which staff member you wish to shadow and why
  • A sample article of your choice - anything to do with ROBLOX. Place reviews and item reviews are  a favourite among applicants, but you could try something more adventurous! 
  • What new type of article you would like to see on RN, and why. 

Internships are a great way of helping people deepen their knowledge as well as giving them experience with other staff members and developing social skills. RN interns are likely to be asked to stay on as full time staff after the programme finishes.

Thanks, and good luck!

Editor of Roblox News 


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Look of The Week: Dress Up as an Animal

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't had a Look of The Week in a while, but I have been thinking about what to do with it next. So here is my idea:

The First Themed Look of The Week event! This is where I have to give you a theme, and if the person wins, they will get a small reward! The theme is: 'Dress as an animal of your choice!'

You can only enter ONCE, so give it your best shot!

I will be awarding first place on one of my games (I will tell you the name when it's finished)
There will be no second and third place, sorry!

The winner will receive a small prize of 100 Robux.

There has to be a minimum of 4 participants for this competition to work. I am going to give you a week to enter, so good luck!


P.S. If you have won before, or entered before, you can still enter again! 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Introducing Arbirator's ROBLOX Merchandise Shop!

Many of you are probably aware that I acquired a large amount of ROBLOX merchandise from the London BLOXcon 2013, courtesy of Becky Lee H (username: ReeseMcBlox) whom I am very thankful to. I have been allowed by the ROBLOX team to sell the majority of this stock and therefore I will be adding the fedoras, t-shirts and the luxurious hoodies to my online Ebay shop.

I have set up the items on Ebay for UK users to buy (and possibly EU and US customers once I have worked out the postage and packing costs). At this current point in time I have one item available, the official ROBLOX Fedora; you cannot buy this item anywhere else at the moment (ROBLOX have taken down their online shop after the 2013 BLOXcon and they are very rarely seen on Ebay and similar websites). The list below details the current items on sale with: prices, descriptions and all the postage and delivery information. The fedoras have been listed on my Ebay account with the t-shirt and hoodies soon to follow!

Clicking on the title item will take you to its Ebay page where you can purchase it from!

Items on sale 

Official ROBLOX Fedora (BLOXcon Merchandise 2013) -Beechfield black-

Price: £9.99

Genuine ROBLOX Fedora from the London BLOXcon 2013. Official merchandise sold at the event. 

One size fits all. (The white band is just for packaging purposes and is not part of the hat). 80% polyester, 20% cotton. 

Official ROBLOX World Tour T-Shirt (BLOXcon Merchandise 2013) -Fruit of the Loom-

Price: TBA

Genuine ROBLOX T-Shirt from the London BLOXcon 2013. Official merchandise sold at the event. T-shirt features ROBLOX World Tour 2013 and Maker Fair design.

Official ROBLOX Hoody (BLOXcon Merchandise 2013) -Fruit of the Loom-

Price: TBA

Genuine ROBLOX Hoodie from the London BLOXcon 2013. Official merchandise sold at the event. Hoodie features large ROBLOX plain logo. 

If you have any enquiries about these items, please do not hesitate to contact me! You can send a private message to Arbirator on ROBLOX, tweet @arbirator on Twitter or ask a question about the item directly through Ebay's system. Feel free to leave comments and questions also in the DISQUS section below this blogpost! 

Editor of Roblox News 


Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Letter from Darwin12

My name is Noah.

I figured this would be an interesting experience, something to return to. After I quit ROBLOX News a few months ago because of a variety of reasons, mostly attributed to having a personal loss of interest in ROBLOX, I kept moving on. Recently, I've been producing the last of my work on ROBLOX and cancelling my BC. It seems this is the sort of thing that I've always wanted to do: I wanted to access five years on ROBLOX in one post and get back to you on the overall influence ROBLOX had on me.

For some background: five years ago on the day of November 1, 2009, I wrote myself a personal letter for the future declaring that I would become a different person and decide who I was as an individual. At the mere age of nine, I wrote this letter and addressed specifically what I wanted to do then.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sale Review: Swingin' Hats!

Hello, readers, RayMan36 here with a reason to start swingin'. I'm talking about the series of hats that were released over Saturday and Sunday- pre-war swag. I myself am a huge fan of pre-war culture, so let's start Stompin' at the Savoy! Remember, these items will be from worst to best.

All Hail to the King of Swing!


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Interview with Summer Games Winners, Part 2

Call of Robloxia 5 - Summer Event Testing_ImageWelcome to the second article in our five-part series where we interview the top players from each of the ROBLOX Summer Games. In this particular interview I caught up with Iryzee, the top weekly player at Call of ROBLOXia 5 and we discussed his feelings on the event and tips for users attempting to get the Adurite prizes. He has a weekly score of 9,563 playerpoints as of writing which is almost 1,000 more than the individual in second place. Check out his responses to the questions below. 


Game Review: Jaws 2014

Hello there fellow readers! 

Robloxer032* here, bringing you a Game Review for a game that has been in the front page for a while, Jaws 2014! Now some of you may remember another 'Jaws' game being popular a few years back but, according to the creator, this is not that game. Why? Because there was a MAJOR UPDATE. Or at least that's what he says. Let's go check it out, shall we?


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Interview with Summer Games Winners, Part 1

Paintball 2! Closed Testing_ImageWelcome to the first edition to a new five-part series where we interview the top weekly player from each of the official Summer Games. In this particular interview we spoke to TheShaun - an avid player of Paintball! 2 by daxter33. He is currently at the top of the weekly leaderboard for this game, with a total of 18k+ playerpoints - 3k more than second place! Check out his responses below.


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Summer Games: Quick Tips

Greetings all! My number one tip to you would be to give up trying to get in the top 20 and do something with your life; I'm just joking of course, your life is already a lost cause, and it is indeed possible to get in the top 20! Who needs sunshine, when you have the Summer Games where you can sit on your computer for an entire day and drink vast quantities of caffeinated drinks?

This Summer; why go to the beach when you can enjoy screaming obscene things at people across the internet?

On a serious note, I hope you are all having fun in the Summer Games. I know they are difficult, but valiant effort is rewarded and exploiters are being dealt with by the Summer Games' creators, server admins employed by developers, and of course the ROBLOX moderation team. It might leave you with a severe case of jaw-drop when I say it is indeed possible to get in the top 20 on the daily leaderboards despite what the community is saying, especially for games which don't just require point hoarding (grinding) and luck, but rather skill and expertise. For each game in the Summer Games official ROBLOX event I will be detailing a number of tips that will help you shoot up the leaderboard and battle for supremacy with the top dogs and no-lifers (like myself). So, get the blood pumping, the adrenaline racing, and the profane language at the ready; it's time to enter the ROBLOX Summer Games.


Monday, July 7, 2014

ROBLOX 4th of July Sale 2014 Recap

ROBLOX 4th of July 2014 Recap

     Hey guys! TheInnovative here with a review of the 2014 ROBLOX 4th of July sale!
I'll be giving a short review of all the new Hats and Gears that were a part of the sale.

CotM: July Independent Chicken
      This month's CotM is (obviously) Independence Day themed and created by me, TheInnovative. This CotM was 700 robux and was on a 24 hour timer! If you would like to read an interview explaining more on it, go here

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Interview with Retexturers: 4th of July, Part 2

 Welcome to the second part of a two-part series where we interview retexturers who had their works published for the 4th of July sale 2014. Some of the retextures are still available as of writing so if you are quick you may be able to bag yourself a great holiday themed hat! In this interview I caught up with IndexFiles, TREVOR818730 and masterbeyblade21. 

Member of RAOC
Publishes: 8 and 1/2 (Saphire Sparkle Time Faberge was a recolour of Ruby Faberge)
Item published: Patriot Locator Top Hat



Roblox Comparison: 2006 vs. 2014

Left is a 2006 BrickBattle, right is Daxter33's Paintball 2.
I often here when I'm in a game 'Oh yeah the I miss the old roblox' or 'roblox was so much better in 08' and text alike that. However the majority of the people who say that are actually from 2012. Back to the point, was it really better? I think I should go into depth and convince people that they should really look at the differences between now and then before judging ROBLOX like that.


Saturday, July 5, 2014

CloneTrooper1019's Murder is the best "Murder" game, and here's why.

Loleris' Mad Murderer continues to dominate the front page, only sometimes dethroned by the rare gem or usual run of the mill free modeled, front page game. Murder Mystery has started to lag behind, but still maintains a dedicated user base. But what about the last of these three, CloneTrooper's Murder? While it definitely has lagged behind in comparison to the other two, he has put in a lot of work, along with making the claim "The best looking Murder game on ROBLOX". Now, that may sound crazy but it's actually true. How? Allow me to explain. This should not be taken as a review, it is simply an explanation/praise of the additions that have been added since then.


Interview with Retexturers: 4th of July, Part 1

 Welcome to the first of a two-part series where we interview retexturers who had their works published for the 4th of July sale 2014. Some of the retextures are still available as of writing so if you are quick you may be able to bag yourself a great holiday themed hat! In this first-part we interviewed IBarrageI, a prominent member of RAOC, and TheInnovative, a RN Catalog Analyst who has just accomplished his first published retexture. 

Member of RAOC 
Publishes: 21
Item published: The Admiral's Cape 


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Top 10 hats: Shades!

This is a new series I'm trying out. It's where I have a list of 10 items all pertaining to a certain category. I chose the best of them and put them in order, worst to best.

This time, I'm reviewing Shades. The best looking, the best priced, the most iconic. Read on!

Shades = Cool


The ROBLOX Summer Games Summary

Lades and gentleman, if the ROBLOX Winter Games didn't make you cry, the ROBLOX Summer Games will... maybe.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Game Building: How to Entice Players

Hello readers, unfortunately I will be inactive for the next month due to summer camp. I also apologize for the mistakes I made on my previous article, reviewing The Sith Empire // Hoth.  The reason I made those mistakes was because of personal issues, forcing me into an anxious state which made me rush the review, without being careful, and considerate of proper grammar.

Hello, I am xLando and I will be writing about hooks in places, and how to keep players playing. As a game journalist, I have gotten the chance to experience multiple games, with different genres, yet some are similar in some very distinct ways. This article should give you a decent look at how to add a "hook" into your places.

Most lobbies are personalized to fit the place, for example, say you had a place all about the Mad Murderer, it would be in your best interests to possibly add in some murder-themed artwork, as well as murder themed- props to your lobby.
For this Paintball game, the lobby is on the sidelines, giving players who are waiting for the next round something to do (watch the ongoing match), and keep themselves busy.

There is also a "Shop" icon on the bottom right, as I said, this also gives people something to do whilst they wait.

In lobbies, make sure to have some activity, whether it is housing a shop there, or even showing a small menu of who won last round, and player statistics. The lobby could have a short obby, players do not want to sit around, waiting for the nest game/round.

You want to always make sure that the lobby is aesthetically pleasing (looks good) ways you can do this are:  nice looking  floors and walls, good textures, and  use of proper c-framing and building tools. Making it non-aesthetically pleasing deters new visitors, lowering your visit rate.


Game Review: Aduro World ThemePark

Aduro World ThemePark     

     By 1wolf1person

As beautiful as it is flawlessly scripted, Aduro World earns every single one of it's 52,272 visits, 597 thumbs up, and 2,797 favorites. This theme park is very resource intensive and I was getting minor client side lag on a video setting of 10.