
Friday, December 19, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Hello, this post has been made just to ensure that everyone has a wonderful christmas. It has been very slow this year with Roblox News because of staff inactivity, I will be tackling this problem when 2015 arises. Thank you.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Giftsplosion 2014: The Percy Jackson of Christmas Events

Giftsplosion: the Timely Woe of Outdated, Useless Gifts

Hello readers, RayMan36 here with what we've all been waiting for: disappointment. Yes, I'm here to talk about the overly-impossible gift hunt, and maybe what would come out of these presents from the depths unknown, which all of you certainly bought.

DISCLAIMER: You have been juggling a broken teacup with a milkshake straw in your sock while dancing to the Canadian national anthem, all with your iron man costume in your baby pool on your 8th birthday party only if it was July 20th and it was a full moon. Otherwise, just pay me $40,000.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Place Review: TPS15

TPS 14_ImageRecently, I have been finding myself play a game - quite well known - 'TPS 15'. Good game, nice, fun; very competitive. I mean, it's fun: ROBLOX engines are the only problem.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Inactivity Problems

Hello Roblox News, recently you may have noticed a large dip within the amount of content produced at Roblox News; I am going to tell you why. I haven't had much time. That's the reason, I'm very busy with exams, and my interest in ROBLOX has gone down recently because I haven't been able to do much. I will start rebuilding ROBLOX News over the christmas period, be wary of posts that are soon to come. :D