
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Game Journalism Applications.

Hello there! My name is xLando, head of game journalism for Roblox News!

Recently, Arbirator has been away and we have been fading into inactivity. No more, for Zakkeh and I are re-growing Roblox News from the ground up. Now, in doing so I will be taking applications for game journalism. Below is my first ever article, which I made to get into Roblox News. We are taking Game Journalist applications, so here is how to send me one. E-Mail me at:, and send me the following:

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Choose an Event

Duck Hunt '14 Hub [50%]_ImageOne once said the RN Egg Hunt would be here, it seems it never turned up. My job now is I'm going to ask you what event you would like to see us hold here at Roblox News. We could hold an Egg Hunt, our Duck Hunt, or even a new event. I'm giving all the readers the option to choose a new event, or an old one. Please comment your ideas and tell us what you want to see!!

Or-- we could completely forget about the hunting, and make a whole new game, maybe an MMO, or a city-based game, or even something completely random like Marble Ride is. It's you, the fans, choice!
