
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Beta Check This Out: World Expedition


Beta Check This Out is a new segment where I will be previewing games in their beta stages not yet ready to be reviewed. Today we are going to be looking at Legoseed's World Expedition! This is a game where you can explore the world! With a range of countries to explore including Ireland, China and Mexico! In this preview I'll be showing off two countries and telling you why you should be as excited for this game as I am!


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Game Review: Speed Run 4

Most of us have played a Speed Run game on ROBLOX. These games involve running at high speeds across many levels jumping from platform to platform without falling off. Speed Run 4 made by Vurse is by far the most popular with hundreds of players playing at any one time during the day. But is Speed Run 4 actually worth playing?