
Monday, November 16, 2015

Roblox Scripting Tutorial 5: Built In Functions

Do you like listening to people with colds trying to explain built in functions to you? Well you've come to the right place! Sorry about the sniffing... I hope this video is great help to you! Enjoy!


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Game Review: Halloween Zombie Strike

It's that time of the year again! Well, it was that time of the year two weeks ago at least. The annual Roblox Halloween Event! Every year the Halloween event is highly anticipated, and rightly so! In the past we've had great events, I've got fond memories of 2009's paintball and treasure hunt (Yes, two games!) while newer members might have fond memories of 2013's The Witching Hour. With this year's event being made by popular users Davidii, creator of 'Survival 404' and 'Heroes!' and Quenty, creator of 'Whatever Floats Your Boat' hopes were high that this would be another event to remember! But was it? Keep reading to find out!


Friday, November 6, 2015

Possible New Walking Animation Incoming

Hello my readers! Our lord and saviour Builderman has recently tweeted a very interesting video! The video shows a robloxian traversing terrain in a much more realistic way than what we're used to as blocky humanoids. The tweet in question can be found here!

Like most big changes made to Roblox these days I'm guessing this will cause a fair amount of debate in the community, some may appreciate the change where some might be happy with the way it is now. Need I remind you the backlash Roblox experienced during 2010 when introducing the Robloxian 2.0 body?

Replies to Builderman's tweet have been mostly positive, with popular user Polyhex (Creator of Super Bomb Survival) replying with "This is so exciting!!!". However at the same time the Youtube video has a 34% downvote rating (well, 34.02061856%) at the time of writing which isn't awful but isn't great either.

Remember! This is only beta footage and might end up being completely different or it might never happen! Have you guys seen the footage? What do you think about it? Leave a comment telling us your thoughts!

- Rudolph101