
About Us

Welcome to Roblox News; winner of the ROBLOX Game Conference 2012 Best Fansite award!

Roblox News started way back in 2009, when I was still fairly new to the game and it's rich community. In 2011 the site's pageviews skyrocketed when John Shedletsky (Creative Director of ROBLOX) added Roblox News to the ROBLOX Developers Blog (now simply called the ROBLOX Blog) blogroll. This helped introduce a large amount of ROBLOX users to my blog, including future staff members. During that year RN went on to be featured by the staff at the ROBLOX Rally 2011 and reached over 150,000 pageviews.

However the new year brought Roblox News even greater success in the form of a flood of new fans and staff members. Our blog then went on to win the RGC 2012 - our greatest achievement. By the end of 2012 Roblox News reached a staggering 449,317 all time pageviews!

Our site constantly provides ROBLOX users with rich, in-depth information about ROBLOX and its huge community. The articles we publish include: site news, game updates, event news, place reviews, interviews with users, catalog item reviews, tutorials and hints and tips.

We have a team of dedicated staff who update the blog daily, focussing on publishing articles containing quality content for readers to enjoy. Contests are also run regularly on Roblox News. Our previous contest: 'Radical Retextures', was sponsored by John Shedletsky and the winners were published as real hats to the catalog.

Roblox News is one of the most popular ROBLOX Fansites out there. We partner with other blogs and support them, helping them to receive more views and attention. We do not compete with others, as we prefer to work in collaboration with sites such as Briguy's Roblox and the official ROBLOX Blog.

So I hope you enjoy the site and check back regularly! If you have any questions, talk to me via ROBLOX or twitter (@arbirator)

~ Arbirator
Owner and Editor of Roblox News.