
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Data Persistance Test Group?

Today, Telamon created a Data Persistance Test Group. Data persistence is when users can come back to a spot when they left a game. Items and your place won't be lost. This is basically the save option in many other games. No one knows what you need to do to get into the group, but its invitation only and im guessing not alot of people will get in. But im also guessing that it will help test the new Data Persistance feature, it seems important if Telamon made a group for it! It also says this group is "limited" so it probably wont be around long. And like I said before, its Invitation ONLY! So dont expect to get in!



  1. Actually, Telamon posted details on it here:

  2. SO Excited. just got an email back saying i was accepted for it


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