
Friday, April 8, 2011

Group Relationships Feature!

New Ally & Enemy feature for Roblox Groups [Good for Clans]


Group leaders can send an alliance request to another group, but the other group has to accept. It’s like a friend request. Ally requests look like this:


A group can be enemies with any other group – the declared enemy doesn’t even have to accept. When a group has declared an enemy, the receiving group leader gets a message in their Inbox.

Group leaders can share the power to make Allies and Enemies with the ranks of the group. You will be able to see the declared Allies and Enemies of each group on the right side of the group’s page. Everyone will know the associations of each group on ROBLOX!

~Images By, Roblox

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1 comment:

  1. Can you join S.U.B clan! i need more members! also i need the roblox fan club's allie request!


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