
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Moon Base Building Contest Winner: Banjobug!

The contest is finally over, and I have picked a winner! Several forumers helped me with the decision, the thread can be found HERE. Both of the Moon Bases's I narrowed down to were great! IbarrageI's Moon Base was very simple but very well built, it could have done with variation in the rooms though. I also loved the low gravity there!

Banjobug's entry however, was built completely differently, it was a very a mysterious base with lots of long corridors and vegetation growing inside the base's conservatory. It was very creative and its exterior was once again simple but great to look at. What gave it the edge was that there was more to it, secret rooms, caves ,vegetation. The contest wasn't just about building skill but about creativity! There were various things to do in the place such as explore the labs, or jump around with the energy sword, scouring the highest reaches of the base.

Now, to the prizes. Banjobug will win an awesome Moon Cap , his place featured on ROBLOX News and to top it all off, an Internship right here at ROBLOX News!

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