
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hey Roblox News, it's Supernova90!

I'm the new guy around these parts and I just wanted to give a bit of an introduction for the rest of the RN fans and staff that I haven't talked to yet. So let's just get right into that then!

My friends call me Dan and if you feel like you want to refer to me as such then feel free. Another thing you'll have to know about me is I absolutely love listening to music. As I stated to Arbirator in my application email, I can find a song I like, put it on single loop on my iPod and listen to it 'till (what seems like) the end of time. Now enough about my personal life.

I've been playing Roblox since mid to late 2007 I believe. My first account being Untari. I have seen Roblox progress through the "ages" from solid red sphere's for explosions, rockets that shoot from your torso (ahhh, Stealth Pilot's original moon base CTF!), and t-shirt and hat customizable characters to shoulder mounted rocket launchers and crazy gui scripted places. I've defended Roblox staff through thick and thin, and have just recently started becoming active in the Roblox Forums. I've played a plethora (a lot) of games since I started, and I can really differentiate the default, every-day obstacle courses, from the exceptional gladiator pits and social hangouts (in fact, I've spent so much time inspecting maps that I have a KO/WO of around .5!). I really hope I will be a great addition to the team and provide worthy insight and ideas for the news!

If anyone, staff or not, wishes to contact me about anything. You can send me a message on Roblox (I disabled chat, never understood how it works, and never really tried to understand it) or talk to me on skype at "attemptedsuccess".

Thanks for your time Roblox News and I'll be sure to be a great contributing member!

- Supernova90


  1. Welcome to Roblox News Staff.

    Publisher/Site Engineer

  2. Congrats on making it, I look forward to your posts

  3. I'm glad to have you on the team!

    ~Site Moderator


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