
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Interview with the one and only GollyGreg!


So today we interviewed GollyGreg, it's not every day you get to interview a good builder, scripter and long term ROBLOX player! We'll tell you the rest in the end of the post..

Q1: What made you join ROBLOX?

A: I guess I can say that nothing really 'made' me join Roblox. I had first seen a YouTube video of some Robloxian Theme park or something and I remember being slightly interested in it. Then I kinda pushed that video to the back of my mind until I was bored about six months later. Found the video again, went to the site and joined.

Q2: What was the inspiration for your name

A: Not sure if there's much inspiration in this as there is randomness.

About four maybe five years ago, my friend urged me to join this online game. I had never signed up for anything before then so I was sort of new to the internets. When it asked me for a username, I mistakenly thought it was asking for something more like a 'character name' for the avatar in the game.

I had given it some thought and eventually I figured I wanted my name to have some sort of alliteration. (For those of you who aren't English-buffs, that means a series of words that begin with the same letter.) I played around with a few names and eventually came to GollyGreg and it stuck.

Q3: Why are you still playing ROBLOX even after playing it for almost 3 years?

A: Simply put, it's a fun game. I've always thought of Roblox places as a chance to create my own video games and stuff. What's not to love?

Q4: Was ROBLOX better in 2007, 2008,2009 ? I think it was.

A: I didn't really know that much in 2008, but I did have a lot of fun trying to learn the 'history' of Roblox and its users. I would start to recognize names like Jacobxxduel and Are92. It was kind of fun to catagorize all the users I would meet.

However with all the new updates today, I think that Roblox is a lot better than it was back then. I couldn't do half of the things we can do today.

Q5: What do you do most on ROBLOX just forum or play games?

A: I usually work on some project or something when I play Roblox, but I might take small breaks here and there to forum. Occasionally I'll pick some Roblox place that I know or even one on the front page for lulz.

Q6: What are your interests (Graphic design, drawing , computers, scripting, etc.)

A: Computers are cool. Music is cool. Scripting is cool.

Q7: What do you think about ROBLOX now? I think it's becoming close to pay-to-play...

A: I doubt it would become pay to play anytime soon.

Q8: What do you do most on the computer? What I do is ROBLOX and some graphic design using Paint.NET

A: I guess I listen to music a lot and I always seem to have someone trying to chat with me. I would say that I do both of these and play Roblox at the same time.

Q9: After playing ROBLOX so long....what do you think ROBLOX has done wrong to BC'ers and NBC'ers?

A: Roblox hasn't done that much wrong to NBCers. As long as NBCers keep the current features and dont lose any to BCers, then I think anything they add is fair.

Q10: Are you liking the BC perks and features ?

A: I don't have BC right now and I doubt I ever will again, but it was nice to sell stuff and the extra places are neat.

Q11: What do you do when you're not on the computer or when you're free?

A: I'm probably learning at school, playing/officating soccer games, at some band practice or concert, watching movies, and generally having a good time.

Q12: Ok, last question: What do you think has happened to the ROBLOX community after 3-4 years?

A: Obviously we have grown tremendously over the years. Now that can be a good and bad thing. People dont stand out as they usually do and are easily forgotten. However now we have a larger user base which brings in a lot of different type of people with a lot of different ideas and styles.

This is interview was kindly given to us by the lovely people of Roblox Interviewers! Run by ikutoisahobo.

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