
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Roblox Review: The Plagued Land

Have you ever been to a place and thought "Wow, this guy must have spent a few days on this place!" Most of you probably haven't. The trash on the front page looks like it took them a few minutes to make it. Others skip the making part and just copy places. There are a few gems in the pile though. Jblaze1's The Plagued Land is one of them. Although this place hasn't made it to the front page it's still a very well built place.
Effort 9/10
As you can see from the picture the place uses Cframes. I have a weakness for C-framed places. You can't fully appreciate a Cframed place until you've tried C-framing yourself. It's pretty hard to get those details right. The creator obviously put a lot of effort into this place. The castle is great and the Cframed spots are gorgeous. There are a few skull things in the ground that I love, detail is what makes games great! However, the map is remarkably empty. There's one building and the rest of the map is incredibly large. I suggest either adding other buildings or making the map smaller
Creativity 10/10
I admit that there are a few maps like this, a ruined city, desolate. But they don't have the same charm as this. I think this map is gorgeous. The names and the idea of the hidden grave. It's great, I love the ideas.
Gameplay 7/10
Although the map itself is great it leaves much to be desired. There need to be more areas to explore. Having one building to run around in may be fun for awhile but not for long. Add more areas to explore. I had the thought to make your map a sword-fighting arena. A bit like Telamon's SFOTHIV. You could add a few hidden swords or weapons and scatter them throughout the map. One could be at the grave and it could summon zombies or creatures of the otherworld. Be creative!
Final rating 9/10

  • Add more buildings/places to explore
  • Make the skybox a pretty sunset :D
  • Add swords/other
  • Add hidden weapons
  • Gimme a hot dog.
If you want your place reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about your place! I'll be glad to give you ideas on your place and help make it better.

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