
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fantasy Water Park RANT

First off, have you ever gone to a friends place and found out it was just a bunch of free models haphazardly placed against eachother? Well that's what this place is. The only difference is that the creator isn't my friend so I can be as mean as I want about this place.

Effort 0/10

The map is an empty baseplate with a ton of water ride free models placed on it. There is no logical order to where they are, they're just there. The funny thing about this is that this game has around 380,000 visits.

Creativity 0/10

No thought went into this at all. He saw someone elses item in the free model bin and clicked it. Then he squealed in delight as he saw something pretty and put it down somewhere. Then he did it again. There is nothing creative in here

Gameplay 0/10

There's nothing to do. Most of the rides are old and don't work. Others serve no purpose. The game is awful. I'm appalled that something this horriffic got onto the front page. It makes me want to vomit

Overall 0/10

Don't play this game. No effort was put into it. It's a baseplate with free models on it.


  • Delete everything.
  • Give me ½ cup of sugar
  • Don't use free models ever ever again.
  • Put effort into it
  • Abandon this entire place and do something new.

If you found an awful front page game that you want reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about that place! I'm always happy to RANT about horrible front page games.

Also, you should follow me on twitter even if you don't have a RANT or review request! Sometimes I invite my followers to go to places with me to help review them.


  1. And, tell me, how are free models bad?

  2. Visit the place and you'll find out.

  3. So? He probably is a beginner builder, and needs to use free models to build up from them. All you do in your 'rants' is say 'free models, free models, free models,' and that is ALL you say.
    You CAN'T tell me that you haven't used free models before, and you can't tell me you're not using them now.

  4. A new builder maybe. A new builder using free models to get to front page = nicht gut.

  5. I've always used free models, because honestly I can't do crap on Roblox.

  6. There is a line between using a few free models and having your entire place be made up of free models.

  7. Another thing, I grade on effort. Clicking and dragging from the free model box does not show any effort. Building it from scratch does.

  8. My point is, you shouldn't attack newer builders. Also, in most of your posts, you show no proof of free models. I'm done, kthxbai.


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