
Friday, June 24, 2011

Look of the Week Winner, 6/24/11

That's right! For those of you who didn't stop trying to surf the web to fully read the contest, it's still going. That's why we call it a "weekly" contest! This week I didn't receive as many submissions but I expected that. There was one from the group that I really enjoyed and came out to be the winner of this weeks look. This look came from a Matthew2005 and I have to admit it slightly scared the crap out of me when I first saw it. Well, here it is!

The look seems to be the exact depiction of the person you don't want to hang out with on a regular basis because you can never tell if he is going to snap and try to utterly destroy the room he is in and all it's contents [including people probably]. The use of the frost helm [I believe that is what it's somewhat called?] brought back fond memories as well and wasn't just showing "Hey I have it, so it makes me look cool". No, it actually fits very well with the entire look. The gear also fits the look in this one as it did with last weeks winner and goes with the theme very well. What I love the most about this look is simply how the hat combo makes him look like a redcliff knight that just busted through the gates of heck [for all you impressionable viewers] and wants to wreak havoc on whatever he feels suitable to his liking. Basically stating, if I ever saw a real life version of this anywhere or at anytime, I would just run. No second guessing on whether or not he's after me or just trying to get a latte from Starbucks, I would just run.

Thanks to Matthew2005 for this awesome look. Here is a link to his profile if you totally missed the one up top: Matthew2005.

I hope you all will continue with the great models. I really enjoy reviewing your looks. The turnout wasn't as great as last time, but I think there was some confusion from last weeks and some of you may or may not have understood that this contest goes on continually until the turnout gets too pitiful or something comes in the way of my abilities to write these reviews.

Just a reminder: If your submission does not follow the guidelines found here, the submission will be thrown out. If you are still confused on any of the guidelines, feel free to message me [Supernova90] on ROBLOX with any questions you have.

Thanks to all the fans for their participation, and the many more that view the site each day!


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