
Friday, June 24, 2011

mod-Venture Exclusive Developer Interview: owen0202

1) When did you join the mod-Venture team?I Joined the mod-Venture team in January of this year, after TengoLa asked me to help him build some creatures.

2) What do you do on the team?

My original role was to help with building, I built a bunch of monsters and some NPCs. However as time went on my role branched more towards the scripting side of the spectrum (though I still help out with building occasionally)

3) By being part of the team, what other opportunities has this opened up for you?

By being in the team the most significant opportunity was being able to work on the Roblox TV Commercial with Kuunan and some of the other members of the team.

4) How well do you think the project is being received?

The reception has been varied so far. I have been getting a lot of encouragement and signs of anticipation for the much awaited release. However there are still those who are skeptical towards any progress or the quality of the end result.

5) How far would you say mod-Venture is away from completion?

We gave up on a release date quite a while ago. Personally I would be surprised if the game doesn't release some time this summer. Then again, you never know.

6) Would you say the projects successions are down to teamwork?

Teamwork has been what has made this project possible. The workload imagined in a project like this is unimaginable. By having a talented and enthusiastic team this project has become possible.

7) Will you be able to choose a character in-game? How does the character system work?

I think I can reveal without any major spoiler that we do have a character selection system. At the beginning of the game you will be able to choose between one of three characters, which will effect the way you play the game.

8) And finally, when the game is released, what kinds of promotion are you thinking of using?

So far advertising has relied mainly on word of mouth. However Kuunan has prepared some very nice looking adverts to run alongside the release of mod-Venture to assist in promoting it.

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