
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Attention Roblox News Staff!

I have put in a new "Zoom" feature for images, if you would like zoom feature on your images put what is in the quotes after "<a" & "href="

"class="cloud-zoom" rel="softFocus: true, position:'inside', smoothMove:2"

PLEASE use it only on large images that won't fit. If you would like to bookmark this post click the title then CTRL+D and name it what you want and select "Bookmark Toolbar"

EDIT NOTE: When adding Images, PLEASE ADD Images in "Edit HTML" mode, so the Link to the image will be shown "<a href" and the code before "href" and after "a"

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a class="zoom" href=""


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