
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Carnival of.... Fun Rant Review

How many of you have Coulrophobia? For those of you that don't know, it's the fear of clowns. Clowns were orignally made to make children laugh but honestly, they just creep me out. This place being a carnival of... fun has a great idea but it is simply plagued by bugs and lag, and clowns of course. Can't forget the clowns.
Gameplay 3/10
This is probably the biggest problem with the game. There's nothing really to do. The zombies don't come out till night and they're really not that much of a problem. You can get tickets to buy better weapons but the only way to get tickets is to complete this ridiculously easy obstacle course. I might be missing some things but that's about all I could figure out. There's also a thrill park which I simply can't figure out. There's this absolutely awful slide that drops you about an inch a minute. There are a lot of other rides but I can't figure out how to get inside them. There are some games in the carnival but there's no reward for completing them. You can simply take the prize without even winning the game. This game needs a lot of work. However, I like the blaster pistol you start out with, it's pretty sweet.
Effort 7/10
The creator obviously put a lot of effort into this. There are some very familiar trees placed in the map however. There are some very nice GUIs and the map is built fairly well. I like how he made the eyes on the entrance follow you, that was a very creepy effect. It could still use more scenery though, it needs to look prettier. Right now it's like a cone without the Ice cream.
Creativity 5/10
There are soo many zombies games out there it isn't even funny. However this is one of the first times I've seen a game with zombie clowns in the carnival but I imagine there are a lot of others I simply haven't heard of.
Overall 5/10
Needs a lot of work
  • Add more ways to get tickets.
  • Bake it for 12-15 minutes
  • Get tickets from shooting zombies
  • Make zombies be there all the time
  • Add instructions so I can figure out what I should be doing
  • I'd like some Ice Cream as well. Can i haz?

If you found an awful front page game that you want reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about that place! I'm always happy to RANT about horrible front page games.

Also, you should follow me on twitter even if you don't have a RANT or review request! Sometimes I invite my followers to go to places with me to help review them.

Reviewed place: Carnival of... fun
Reviewed by: Banjobug


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