
Friday, July 22, 2011

Check out the cool ROBLOX blog: 'The Current Roblox News'

This blog, created by liama517, is inspired by our very own site. The link to the site can be found HERE. The authors of the blog post about interesting topics and review places. They also test out new features, and video them, writing a small description about the update.

The Current Roblox News

The Current Roblox News even have their own cafepress store! So check that out!

ROBLOX News proudly supports other ROBLOX fansites and blogs, got a good blog to show me? Send me a link on twitter! (@arbirator). We will post advertisements of these sites and maybe even partner with them!


  1. Sounds cool i,ll try to post one within this week. :D

  2. I sent a twitter post to ask about partnership, but it was never replied to...

  3. Check out my amusing profile in this crazy social hangout I found

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