
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New page for guests to the website?

I casually opened ROBLOX and was bewildered when this page hit me:

Notice the new textbox in the left hand bottom corner? This could possibly be a new introduction for guests/new players who are visiting the site for the first time. Also notice how certain areas of the site are removed from the blue page bar, this suggests to me that only registered users who are logged in can see these pages, thus encouraging users to sign up. Finally note that the news section at the bottom is also gone, possibly also for registered users who are logged in.

Whatever this page is, it is probably only a test at this point in time.

Post your thoughts, comments and ideas below!


  1. They make it look less confusing for people not signed up yet. And the BC link will make them think they have to pay

    Nice thinking ROBLOX.
    If this fails: BLAME JOHN

  2. I can't find it anymore without typing the URL in


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