
Friday, July 1, 2011

ROBLOX News is hiring!

Now before you all go sending in your frantic applications, study the following requirements.

To become a staff member here, you have to be extremely active, not necessarily one post a day but fairly close to that. You also have to be a lover of the game, a daily player: someone who understands the game fully and is experienced. No, you don't have to be a veteran! I'm not really interested about the technical sides of things, I won't really mind if you can't script or don't have the faintest idea what HTML is. I'm interested in real writers, ones who are passionate and have good literacy skills. Remember, Roblox News is not about regurgitating information from the official developers journal. We focus on detail and what ROBLOXians want to read.

So, think you have what it takes?

Send a detailed application to
You must include your ROBLOX username, your skills, and at least paragraph describing these skills and why you would like to work at Roblox News. I would also like you to write a sample article for me, it can be about anything as long as it is ROBLOX related and interesting! The deadline is Sunday night.

Remember, this is certainly not the last time we will be hiring, so don't be disheartened if you aren't hired. Last time we received dozens of really impressive applications but sadly we cannot hire everyone, there is always a next time!

Roblox News will be running a summer Intern program in a couple of weeks, so look out for that!


  1. I go for around 2 posts a week. I don't want to run out of places to review.

  2. lol. Im gonna send my form in Sunday afternoon the latest. By tonight everything will be planned out. Im sure ill make it! :D

  3. Awesome. I already sent in my application.

  4. I'll probably wait till next hiring date hope I get selected then.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sent in my application, Thanks for the chance guys!!

  7. I sent in mine, it was long, I should get picked.

  8. im waiting till next time :( i have no choice, its too hard, i dont have the time on vacation. Ughh

  9. Its not who won but who was chosen


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