
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Arb's Destructive Criticism: Hangout? BC Version 6.7.3.

Hangout? BC Version 6.7.3.

Here we have what appears to be a quiet, social hangout for BC Members of the ROBLOX site. Whatever you believe when you enter the game, when you leave, which you will, very promptly, you realise it is nothing of the sort.

As soon as I joined the game, my PC starting whurring with the familiar sound of overload. This is what is known to be called 'lag', but to judge a game on this would be unfair as my PC doesn't have a great graphics card. This was also the first mega server game I played.

After this, another ambient started to melt my ear drums, this was the famous tune 'Never gonna give you up' by none other than Rick Astley. At this point, I wished the game WAS a rickroll and that I would be forced to leave straight after, this was sadly not the case.

Once the game had finally loaded, I noticed that some of the items within the map were actually built with some thought, the chairs for example, looked like chairs, that's a start.

When I entered however, there was a sprawling mass of buttons of which controlled the various music tracks inserted into the hangout. The buttons were unresponsive and most likely broken beyond repair, possibly for several months. There was also another problem with these, in that the music would overlap and become a mess, at this point, my ear drums were bleeding too.

Some thought had gone into the design of the place, and rather than the Iron cafe's iconic 'stairs', we were forced to take the infamous 'elevator'. However frustrating this was, it was entertaining. It was also nice to see that the creator at least 'tried' to make it more interesting. Let's face it though, it was just a try, not a success. I quickly found myself trapped in what I now call: 'the elevator of doom'. Every time it arrived at the club floor it went back up again. After 10 minutes of sitting in a lift (which didn't even have elevator music?!) I finally escaped the horror, only to be greeted with an entirely new one.

This new horror was what I soon realised to be the dance floor. FREE MODELS EVERYWHERE. I had to excuse myself while I screamed.

Once I had let out my inner anger (I have a lot, my twitter followers should know) I left.

The end.

Just kidding, but really. I wish I had.

Upon entering this alien domain, (I don't do this kind of thing a lot) I noticed that the dance floor was a free model, the stage and mike were free models and of course everything else was too!

Happy days might you say? 'A couple of free models didn't hurt anybody'.

Well. Yes and no, they actually hurt my PC which doesn't count as a human under the human rights law. However they hurt my eyes and my brain, be it that I never use them anyway.

The dance floor was unimaginative and down right boring. The lighting: I won't even go there and let's just say if you expected more than a couple of square bricks for the stage, you will be disappointed. Greatly.

So, the positives +

-Interesting first floor

-Good idea with the lift

-Rick Astley made my day

And the negatives -

-Same as all the others to a large extent

-Boring, nothing to do

-Free modelled club

-Bad taste in music, very, very bad

-Amount of parts causes problems to casual PC's

-It's a hangout. Say no more.

Don't worry NBC players! You wouldn't want to go anyway! If you were going to buy BC just to play this game, I just saved you some money!

I'm a little unfair here. You can probably tell that I'm not a 'hangout' kind of guy. However most of the ROBLOX population are, so hey, go visit the place and knock yourselves out!

No really. Give unconsciousness a go.

Thanks for reading my first ever review. Feedback is welcome!



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