
Friday, August 5, 2011

Interview With Brickbuilder74

How did you find out about roblox? Q.

A. My friend, Cisco64, and I were searching for Mario level building games so we could build our own Mario games and we stumbled upon Roblox.

How and where did you learn how to build and script? Q.

A. In the three years that I have been on Roblox, I have always been interested in scripts. I would always study them and figure out how they worked. I started building from the very beginning. My inspiration was Miked's paintball. I wanted to build like he did. Eventually, with lots of practice, I learned how to build detailed maps.

What is your favorite roblox hat? Q.

A. Domino Crown

How much robux did you buy your domino crown for? Q.

A. 268,000 R$ (Was a lot back when limiteds first came out)

What did you think when your acc was hacked by XzerokoolX? Q.

A. I thought some bad stuff. I cannot say it on Roblox though. xD

How upset were you when he took your domino crown, robux and gr? Q.

A. I was more socked than upset. It had happened all too fast. I had faith in Roblox, though, because I knew what had happened was wrong and I'd somehow eventually get my Domino Crown back.

What do you do for fun besides roblox? Q.

A. I run cross country, I play basketball, I run track, I hang out with my friends, and I play Call of Duty for the PS3.

1 comment:

  1. Great article guys and thanks for Bayat for sharing it on his twitter!


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