
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Interview with Satiisfaction

Q: How did you find out about roblox?

A: Add on youtube. :o Always thought it looked cool I joined liek 3 days after my birthday and bought BC. My original Account PitDroid has my original join date.

Q: Who told you about LMAD?

A: I just sorta found it bro. I seen it once going down to Music Forum which I used to spend all my time.

Q: What is your favorite hat on roblox?

A: Favorite hat is probably the Night Vision Goggles.

Q: Do you like collecting limiteds? Do you collect a special number?

A: Eh I usually just sell My limiteds for LPP (Lowest Price Possible) whenever I get dem cause I like making peoples day a good one <3

Q: What is the most robux you have ever had at one time?
A: Most robux I've had was Like 19,760. But I've owned hats that were over 200k.

Q: Have you ever been scammed? No names please

A: Yeah only twice. Out of my Retro 80's headphones and a Fedora.

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