
Monday, August 8, 2011

Interview with Waffleguy101

A recent forumer on the forum Roblox Talk has reached his goal of 20,000 forum posts. I decided to interview him and you may be able to see him as you forum. His name is Waffleguy101.

Q1:How did you first learn about Roblox?
Well, I was just browsing the internet looking for a game to play. Then I found Roblox.

Q2:How did you learn about foruming on Roblox?
Well, when I first joined I mainly played games. Then I was wondering what forums were. So I clicked it and that's how I learned.

Q3:Did you have a goal to have a "Top Poster" badge or an amount of posts?
Well, at first I was just posting. Then I learned about the top 100, 50, and 25 badges. So I then set my goal at 20,000 forum posts and top 100.

Q4:Is there any benefit you get from foruming?
Just fun, really.

Q5:Is there anything you would like to tell new forumers or veterans about goals and foruming?
If you enjoy what you're doing, then keep doing it. That's why I keep foruming. I enjoy it a lot. And never give up on your goals. I made it to 20,000. You can too.

Q6:Is there anything that you would like to change on the forums?
Nothing except for a post/thread editor. For example: I make a typo. With the editor, you can fix those things.

Q7:Would you like to work for Roblox as a Forum Moderator someday?
Yeah, that would be interesting.

Q8:Do you like Roblox Talk as your favorite forum?
Yes. About 19,900 of my forum posts come from Roblox Talk. All my other posts are in the Clans & Guilds forum.

I Thank Waffleguy101 for letting me interview him. I hope to see him later on the forums.

If you have any questions, pm jirachidog or Waffleguy101. The other option is @jirachidog on twitter.


  1. I just noticed "Write your comment here... OR Else" lol

  2. Interview some LMaDers....

    We're interesting.



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