
Friday, August 26, 2011

Site upgrades.

You may have already noticed around the site, that there have been major changes.

Firstly: The game pages. They have had a drastic change,  with the boxes disappearing. Being left with a sleek and professional looking page.
The Badges page also changed accordingly, Now only showing 4 badges per page.

This may look good. But many OBC players have complained about the contrast of colours in this new site upgrade. In OBC theme, the actual box hasn't changed colour accordingly, and is still the same colour as the normal theme. Which, I think looks very off putting. Though I believe admins are working on this (Image courtesy of RangeMeludE)

Secondly: The purchase item dialog has also changed.
It now has a sleek design with big buttons (Which I personally love)

This update on the catalog also makes for quicker purchases, so if you want to snag that limited item. you can now.

We'll keep you posted if there are any other site updates.

Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

I'm IBarrageI, and I have approved this message
(Catch phrase copyright ololololol)


  1. When buying an ad theres a new thingy :P

  2. Lol..... Ray William Johnson approves his messages too. :P

  3. The snagging an item thing is pretty much useless. Fastest Chrome just ruins it so its not really faster.


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