
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Interview with THEAVENGER119!

1) When did you become an avid forumer? What influenced this choice?

-Well I started in the middle of 2010, I started cause my computer broke and I couldn't play games for a while, and I realized I like to forum.

2) Was it hard getting to the post count you are currently at?

-Not really, I just forum, and my post count really goes up without me even noticing :D.

3) Did you always intend to get as many posts as you have today?

-Well when I first started my goal was 10k, now i'm at 24k, and my new goal is 30k.

4) When deciding what thread to comment on, what do you look for? Anything particular?

-Something interesting, not something that would be boring like "Check out these clothes I made or Look at my new clan" anything else to me is interesting to post on.

5) Who do you inspire to be like on ROBLOX? (If any)

-A forumer, I've always wanted to be a forum moderator..

6) Who is your favourite admin and why?

-Hm.. well I would have to say I cant really choose, cause I like them all really, but if it was a life or death decision, i would have to choose: Matt Dusek

7) Who is your favourite clothes maker on ROBLOX?


8) Outside of ROBLOX, what are your pastimes?

-Going outside, playing with my friends.. Loads of homework (sadly), and taking care of my sister.

9) Who is your favourite place creator? What is your favourite game?

-Placerebuilder, Reason 2 die. (sadly hes gone and so is the game :( )

10) Are there any tips you would give to new Roboxians to make their time on ROBLOX as enjoyable as possible?

-Dont get into fights, trouble, and dont get into fights with admins/mods.

11) Finally, what are your three favourite foods?

-Hamburgers, Fries, and waffles.

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