
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Interview with TREVOR818730

1. What do you do?

I'm what you call a graphic designer, I mainly got involve with this by doing simple drawings. When I heard about retexturing from a friend, he quit though, I got more inclosed to just retexturing. I probably would say graphic designing is my way of expressing my feelings and creativity.

2. Has a retexture of yours ever been published? And if so which one(s)?

Yes, I made LolEarth, but the green parts were originally white. BrightEyes said on an interview with RN that my LolEarth was the best example of hard work.

3. Which of your games are you most proud of?

I'm proud of my top three games, they are Find The Cookie Monsters, this game got me to reach over 100k place visits, Ultimate Digger Tycoon, there was a place review about it on Roblox News, and Telamon's Fried Chicken Tycoon, All three got over 300 people playing them, but three famous people played FTCM, they were Parlement, BCGames, he amde Rising Star Cookie Monster, And elfacool, he joined the fan club.

4. How long have you been playing ROBLOX?

I've been playing since 2007, but I forgot my password on my first, and my other one got deleted for unknown reasons. It's been awhile, so I don't remember the names.

5. What is your ROBLOX goal? Have you completed it?

My main goal is to have the most played game on Roblox, but that's going to be awhile. No I haven't completed it, but I completed my first goal, having over 100k place visits.

6. How did you get into the Retexture Artists Official Channel?

That's simple, My LolEarth got me into it, my good friend wall142 told BrightEyes about it and she took it, and Hansolo966 invited me and forumed about me.

7. How did you come up with your name?

My username, well Trevor is my name, and 818 is a personal thing, along with 730.

8. When did you find ROBLOX News?

I found out about it when I saw someone tweet about it.

9. What do you think of ROBLOX News?

Roblox News is by far the best blog about Roblox.

10. Anything else you want our readers to know?

Yes, stay out of trouble and do not let Cheesety210 get your Cheetos.

Thanks TREVOR818730 for the wonderful interview! TREVOR818730 also created my VERY beautiful signature! Thanks for reading! Also, I WILL be doing shirt reviews and pants reviews, recommending what to buy, and who to buy from!

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