
Monday, October 3, 2011

The Trade Currency Frenzy

Many people have been trading currency to make money. The whole reason behind the frenzy? The release of the darkseed. I caught up with many people from the forums and asked them their personal secrets behind the trade currency. Here is what they had to say ;

Kuunan was the first person I interviewed. He made over 20k from the trade currency yesterday.

Me: How did you get so much robux from the TC yesterday? Was it because of the darkseed release?

Kuunan: The trade I made yesterday was a Market Order, let's clear that up. The rates were completely out of whack because everyone was converting Robux into tickets. However I did just the opposite to make a bunch of cash.

Me: What are some of your TC tricks?

Kuunan: Resist the current. Make money.

Me: Where did you learn how to TC from?

Kuunan: Observation, and toying around with small (and unfortunately) large sums of cash. Every time you trade its a gamble, so make it count.

The next person I interviewed was Intimidating.

Me: How did you get so much robux from the TC yesterday? Was it because of the darkseed release?

Intimidating: I traded my Tickets for Robux when everyone was trying to get Darkseed of the Fallen yesterday.

Me: What are some of your TC tricks?

Intimidating: I don't TC very much anymore. When I know I can make a lot of money I will TC.

Me: Where did you learn how to tc?

Intimidating: I learned to TC in 2009 when my friend was telling me about it. I looked at it and experimented with it

Our next user I pulled and Interviewed was Pieguy26

Me: How did you get so much robux from the TC yesterday? Was it because of the darkseed?

Pieguy26: Yesterday, I got around 1.5k from the TC yesterday due to the Darkseed Pumpkin being out for 100k tixs. Everyone is trading in robux so the tix rates increase a ton.

Me: What are some of your TC tricks?

Pieguy26: I'm not a hardcore TC'er or anything but I keep checking bak and forth until I see a decent rate. I traded into tix at offtimes yesterday to earn more. (Late at night, Early in morning)

Me: Where did you learn how to tc?

Pieguy26: I didn't really learn to TC from anywhere, It's just common sense :)

One of the last users I polled was Zaffre.

Me: How did you get so much robux from the TC yesterday? Was it because of the darkseed release?

Zaffre: Funny you should ask, because I was going for the Darkseed, then I ended giving up on it. So I traded R$ for 21k TX when the rates were around 6 for robux, then waited until the rates were around 7.5 (this was all during the night) and traded the robux back to tickets and made around 26k TX. Afterwards I did the same process except with different rates and managed to trade around 32k TX for 4.5k R$, since my initial amount was 21k TX, which I traded 3.5k R$ to get when rates were at 6.

Me: What are some of your TC tricks?

Zaffre: Some TC tricks I would give is to have a lot of patience. You should not expect your trade to go through the moment you put it in. You should also learn about the spreads, and also making sure if there are items like Darkseed that come out, you need to know that many people want the tickets and you have to take advantage of it.

Me: Where did you learn how to TC from?

Zaffre: I learned to TC when it first came out, though I don't rely on it fully to make profit. I learned it from a friend who managed to get 30k R$ back when limited items didn't even come out yet!

Our last roblox user I interview was our own Xuber

Me: How did you get so much robux from the TC yesterday? Was it because of the darkseed release?

Xuber: Yeah, the Darkseed made the the rates go from 1 Robux to equalling 6 tickets, instead of it normally being 10-12 tickets.

Me: What are some of your TC tricks?

Xuber: I don't really have any "tricks," basically I just wait until the rates are good enough that I would make major profit from it.

Me: Where did you learn how to TC from?

Xuber: I actually learned from Youtube, originally I saw a lot of people on the forums talking about how they made so much money from the TC, and nobody answered me, so I searched it on Youtube, the videos on there really helped.

Thank you to all who participated in my interviews/ polls. I really apreciate your feedback

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