
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Community Article: Lost Soul RPG Review!

Lost Soul RPG Review


This well scripted game had been catching my eye for weeks until I suddenly decided to take a chance and play it.

Upon entering the game you get the choice of being male or female, thus you decide your gender, this makes the game more user friendly and allows people to be whatever they decide they want to be. Once decided you are faced with the overwhelming decision of choosing what class you will be which you would not be able to change, so you must choose carefully. Following your decision you are placed in a small room with the faint echoing of pattering feet with nine colourful doors and two corridors leading to more.

Assuming you are new to this game, you will start at the green door which takes you to Cframe forest where you face, level (1) Villagers, level (2) Wizards, level (5) Werewolf’s for you to fight and level up by, sustaining and improving your character. Finally after defeating and leveling up to (5) you must face the legendary green wolf which would allow you access to the next door Scripted Swamp.

Although you might be caught up in the excitement you will be thrilled to know you can forge weapons and use alchemy to improve your levels even more, the whole game is based around fighting, forging and improving your fighting skills with the storyline of "lost soul". The owner of this game is a genius and is a fantastic scripter.

Overall: (9/10) Very good game.

Scripting: (10/10) the whole game is fantastically scripted.

GUI's: (8/10) the game has lots of GUI’s and can get confusing but they are still brilliant.

Building: (6/10) the maps are a little lazy and could use some tender loving care.

Problems: (10/10) No problems at all.

Originality: (8/10) this game is original yet there are many RPG's along the same storyline.

Enjoyment: (10/10) I played this game for 2 hours and couldn't stop then, very fun.

Creativity: (8/10) Very good storyline and original monsters.
Lag: (10/10) No lag.

Player views (9/10) most people I asked said they really enjoy the game and would recommend it to their friends.

Community Article submitted by whiskersmon.

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