
Friday, December 2, 2011

First Three ROBLOX Christmas Gifts Released!

It's that time of year again. ROBLOX is once again giving people gifts. If this is your first ROBLOX Christmas I'll tell you how it works. Basically, ROBLOX makes gifts and puts them in his hats. You can't see the gifts on the catalog until they're onsale. To view them you must go to ROBLOX's profile here. You can see the new hats in his stuff section. To get these items you must complete a task. The task can be as simple as verifying your account or be as complex as sending a message to a secret user through a code hidden in the box. You will not know that you have completed the task until all the gifts are given away. ROBLOX releases the gifts one by one and everyone gets them at the same time. The three gifts ROBLOX has just released are as follows.

Generous Gift of the Rising Sun
To get this gift I predict that you must have bought either the Rising Sun Cap or the Japanese Baseball Cap while they were onsale.
Spearmint gift of Perfect Attendance
I predict that in order to get this gift you must have logged in to ROBLOX every day for one month.
Director's Gift of MeTube
I predict that you must have uploaded a video from ROBLOX to youtube.

I hope these help but keep in mind that these might not be the correct ways to get them. Search the forums for other ideas and post them in the comments.

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