
Monday, December 12, 2011

Interview with mithost!

Here is the fifth Christmas gift interview! In this particular interview, I caught up with mithost a 3 year veteran!


1) Out of all the gifts released so far, which do you think is/was the hardest to obtain?

I'm having the hardest time with the experience one. 5000 EXP is a big number. I've had to go there multiple times just to get 2k!

2) I noticed that you have the Rising Sun Gift, what do you think it will contain?

I hope the gift has something in it that will really reward those who helped out with Japan.

3) Do you think the Rising Sun Gift was a good idea? Why?

Although I don't like that you could only earn it through buying an older hat, I think it is a great idea to make one, so if roblox decides to help out another country in need, players will be more motivated to help out.

4) Are you planning on attempting to get all the gifts this year?

Some of the gifts are out of my reach to be honest. I'll go for as many as I can though.

5) What was your favourite gift from 2008?

The Tragic Gift of Reparations. You had to get bloxxed by telamon to get the gift. It was funny when we learned how people got it, because most people thought they had to blox him instead! It was a lot of fun.

6) Do you enjoy completeting tasks to earn gifts? What type of task is your favourite?

I like the cryptic messages ROBLOX creates for us. It throws RT into a mix between a crack team of puzzle solvers and an army working undercover.

7) What was your favourite gift from 2009?

The Verified Gift of Legitimacy. It was easy to get and gave every player, rich and poor, a really nice hat to wear on their character. It also gave a reminder to people who didn't already secure their accounts.

8) How many people do you think will earn the Builderman Gift?

Oh man, this is tough. The best friend system is kinda weird because you can't see how many people have you as a best friend. I hope it goes on sale for a cheap price so more people can get it!

9) Which gift do you think was is the easiest to get so far?

The MeTube gift would be my guess. You just had to make a short video with the ingame video recorder. Mine was only 4 seconds. Depending on how long the attendance one will go on, that might be second place on the easy scale.

10) If you had to come up with a whacky design for a gift, what would it look like?

I would probably make it look like a wrapped up hockey stick or something, then have it become something totally different when it opened, like a dog that sat on your head.

11) I noticed you had some thoughts on how the gifts are different this year, would you like to share them?

It seems like this year ROBLOX is being a bit less open about the release of gifts than usual, and that the gift requirements are MUCH more difficult to meet. The badger gift in particular is kind of strange. I'm assuming you will need a certain amount of high difficulty badges plus the badger badge from one of telamon's places to get it, but it is really vague on the amounts.

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