
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Place Review: Survival 404 [Gift Stuff Here]

Gift of Natural Disasters
Before I begin this amazing review, I'd like to announce where the gift from last week was. The account was NaturalDisaster2000, congratulations to the lucky 13 of you who got the gift before it was taken off sale. This gift will open on 12/11/2011. All gift related posts will be removed, well not removed. Any paragraph mentioning gifts will be removed. Here's a picture:
New gift has been posted up and will be on sale until 12/18/11. Hint will be hidden in this post.

So, our review this week is on a place by DAVIDII which is called SURVIVAL 404. First, I'm going to talk about my Twitter. "Oh not this again", well I have to talk. My Twitter is Blue_Jay_13 click here to visit it. For Place Review related things go to this link. Thumbnail talking time!

Survival 404

Hint above thumbnail. This thumbnail explains a lot about this game. We're going to end up on an island with water and food. He should add maybe the name in amazing PDN font or Photoshop font. He should get our Graphic Designer TREVOR818730 to make him some things? For a fee of course. :P

We enter this place and are welcomed with an island. You must survive on this island for a very long time. "This is so easy to survive", well not really. You have health, thirst, and some third thing. In order to fill these up, you must eat random purple berries and drink water. In order to eat/drink, you need a tool. You must click on the "Eat/Drink" tool in order to eat and drink, simple. You can't drink from the ocean, so don't try. Berries are found on bushes. You don't eat = die. When you drink water, there are apples when hovering over the water with your tool, click a bunch of times to get rid of them.

What about shelter? You need to collect wood, the game is kind of like some popular mmo survival games. What about a boat? MAKE IT. Make anything you can think of with wood. To collect wood you need the tool, it's in your Starter Pack. Not much to say about wood, there's not a lot of it. Go to tree, use tool, get wood.

About your clothing. Your shirtless and have brown pants, like as if you crash landed from somewhere. There's not much to say about this place anymore. There are different islands, I never went to them. People spawn in the same place as you. Blah.

 This game requires quickness because you can slowly die and then respawn with nothing.
Time consuming place is time consuming

Scripting: 10/10, obviously there's a lot of scripting in this place, tools and more.
Tools: 10/10, all necessary tools to be a survivalist.
Building: 7/10, you can tell that this is easy to build and that not much effort was put into it.
General Enjoyment: 7/10, I didn't really enjoy the pressure.
Originality: 10/10, I have not seen any places this amazing besides the ones made by Davidii.
Creativity:  10/10, very creative.
Deals with Problems: 10/10, no obvious problems.
Deals with Lag: 10/10, no lag for me.

Overall: 9.5/10, very great game would recommend to anyone who likes those fast paced games.

Good luck finding the gifts. I might add a new ranking next week, so stay tuned! :D


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