
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Roblox's Official Parade Crew!

Hello Roblox News fans, yes I, the graphic designer is the owner and developer of this group. I'm looking for skilled Robloxians so we can make balloons, floats, ect. You may ask how to get in? Well it's quite easy to know. You have to be skilled, and you will be judged harshly. I'm not going to allow people in just because they want in. This is something that will be hard and you will have to do your best. If you don't you'll be kicked out the group.

The Roblox Parade Crew™


  1. Ohh, where is the place I could send in to become a part of the staff?

  2. @ROBLOX(chado82) You have to view the group to request to join, and they have to see if your a good builder before they let you in.
    He let me in :D HE LET ME IN HE LET ME IN!:)

  3. He gave up the idea and gave the group to someone else and left it :\


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