
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Two New Gifts!

If three gifts wasn't enough, two more gifts have been uploaded to ROBLOX's profile! These two gifts are the following: Dark Sky Gift of Hoaders and Builderman's Gift of Followers.

Dark Sky Gift of Hoaders

To get the the Dark Sky Gift of Hoaders, you need to own at least 20 LimitedU items. Why just LimitedUs you may ask, this is because there are no Limited hats on the Gift texture! LimitedU prices may rise due to the high demand, so if you're planning on buying a tonne of LimitedUs, you better do it quick!

Dark Sky Gift of Hoarders

Builderman's Gift of Followers

To get the Builderman's Gift of Followers, you need to be on the best friends list of 30 individual users. The evidence for this is that when you decode the Gift description, it reads: '30+ people have you as their best friend'. Remember, don't go making 30 spam alts!

Builderman's Gift of Followers

Happy hunting!


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