
Monday, December 19, 2011

Winter Place Building Contest 2011 UPDATE

Here's an update on our Building Contest. Only 4 people have entered as of 12/19/11, which is not what we want. We want at least over 10 entries, start building your place! Also, I have changed the prizes a bit and will post them below. This contest is not getting an extension because I don't have time to attend to this contest after January 3, 2012. You still have until December 31, 2011 to make a good place. Send the link to your place to

Updated 1st Prize: Gets a popular place of their choice reviewed by Banjobug and Refreshingwater. Get to write their own review to be published by Refreshingwater, your name will be mentioned. A 30 minute chat with both Banjobug and Refreshingwater. A hat made just for them, made by Refreshingwater of course. A follow on Twitter from Refreshingwater. Their winning place reviewed by both Banjo and Refreshing.

Updated 2nd Prize: Gets a popular place of their choice reviewed by Refreshingwater. A follow on Twitter from Banjobug.Their created place reviewed by Banjo.
 Updated 3rd Prize: Popular place ranted by Banjobug. Their created place reviewed by Refreshing.

Enter this contest so we don't have to pick by default! Don't let another person win because it could be YOU! Enter now and Refreshingwater and Banjobug will love you forever!

Thank you, Banjobug and Refreshingwater.

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