
Friday, January 27, 2012

Dragonshead Cannon

Hey Guys! Cheesety210 here! Today im here to talk about a new gear, Dragonshead Cannon !

Look:Pretty awesome, in-game it rests on your right shoulder, with an awesome dragon texture, it sticks to the basic dragon colors, pretty common.

Dragonshead Cannon

Action: It shoots fire out, and when it hits the ground, or its target. KABOOM! Big boom boom! Could be a LITTLE more epic, maybe a sound of a dragon breathing!


Mesh (Shape): Now THIS is what i call detail, the head is so detailed it makes my mind want to explode, the teeth, the tounge, EVERYTHING! The only bad part is, is that the scales arn't super detailed. But the head makes up for it!


Price: This is a awesome gear to fight with, but is it REALLY worth 650 R$? I would say YES. You could take out multiple people with this baby and if your holding this, it shows your pretty rich and that you know how to use your tools. Would i buy it, yes! Though it IS a little expensive, it does its job.


Overall:This is a great gear, looks pretty epic, does a pretty good job, and its worth its high cost!


Thanks for reading guys! Email me at,Message me on ROBLOX, or tweet me at @Cheesety210 to talk, or suggest stuff for my next post!

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