
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA and PIPA: Roblox News' stance

SOPA and it's sister bill PIPA are proposed legislation that could seriously damage the internet we know and love today. Stop Online Piracy Act - SOPA could effectively censor anything on the internet, including foregin websites. It means that websites with accused of using copyrighted materials could receive heavy fines or be shut down for good.

- Sites can be shutdown for a single piece of 'offending' content
- Judges choose what should be taken down

SOPA would do away with freedom of speech and would break the first amendment Most of it's support comes from large businesses that are interested in their own profits, but do not care about small websites and users who will be crippled by the bill.

The ROBLOX Corporation have already stated that they are against the bill, exclaiming that it would destroy the creativity of its users and seriously reduce their capabilities also crippling the game developers and reducing their pay.

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