
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Community Article! Gear Review: Bucket

At first glance the bucket gear might seem very plain. But when you test it, and use it, you will notice that it's not like any other gear. When you are fighting someone, try and get as close to them as you can, before whipping out your trusty bucket and taking their gear. It's good for annoying noobs; just don't let the noobs annoy you with this gear!

-You can take other people's gear. 'Nuff said.
-It's good for playing tag
-Some people don't know it loots other people's gear, so you can playing an unsuspecting prank on them
-It's a social item, and most games allow social items
-It's pretty cheap for a bc'er

-It doesn't look that great
-If it's in the wrong hands (eg. a noobs) it can be very -ahem- annoying.

I would rate this gear 7/10 overall. You should definetely buy this awesome gear!

Thanks Starz4ever6 for this awesome article!

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