
Monday, February 6, 2012

Place Review: Realistic Boxing

Realistic Boxing

     First of, I'd like to congratulate BillCheesey5 on becoming an RN Writer. Being a good Writer isn't that easy, it takes dedication and skill in order to be a good Writer. If you felt that the Staff doesn't like you. Maybe you weren't picked because you didn't add that many interesting things in your example article, resulting in rejection. Don't feel bad, we'll hire new Staff members again soon.

     I decided to review Realistic Boxing because it was suggested by fellow Staff Member NonstopEpic. I'll tell you how your suggestion can be made a reality later. When I entered this place, I was immediately greeted with your typical Boxing arena. Ring in the middle and seats on the outer areas. Let me tell you one thing, those "people" you see sitting down, don't exist. They're just some random items to grab people's attention. So, as seen on the top of our character's we have nicknames. Those are your boxing nicknames, you may have a similar name to someone else.

     I was placed with the person who had the same nickname as me. All of our cameras are taken over and a GUI with the characters and names of the users who will fight. The two fighters will then be teleported into the ring to fight. The fight starts and there is a GUI which says which punches you can throw. If I were you, I'd try clicking very fast on the GUI on which punch you would like to throw. I was immediately knocked down by the other boxer. Another GUI pops up telling you to stand up, click it as fast as possible! My fight ended in a TKO, making the other boxer the winner.

Scripting: 10/10. This place contains many scripts, obviously.
Tools: 10/10. All necessary tools in order to become a boxing champion are provided.
Building: 7/10. Simple, but good building.
Community Enjoyment: 10/10. Numerous people enjoy this place.
Originality: 10/10. Very original.
Creativity: 10/10. Very creative.
Deals with Problems: 10/10. No problems experienced.
Reviewer's Experience with Lag: 10/10. No lag was experienced.
Difficulty: 6/10. Not too hard.
Reviewer's Enjoyment: 10/10. Enjoyed it very much.
Reviewer's Recommendation: 10/10. Recommend it to everyone.

Overall: 10/10. Good game.

***I don't encourage you to go out and fight, don't do it, you'll get in serious trouble***

Want to suggest a place for me to review? Check out my Twitter!

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