
Sunday, March 4, 2012

He's Baaaaacccck...

Hey guys and gals, though it has been a long and grueling hiatus, I am back to helping out on RN. Some of you may remember me since last fall, as I was community manager of RN for a good amount of time. Unfortunately, junior year in highschool came out of nowhere and destroyed my free time (not to mention being grounded for a month and a half doesn't help either). But now I'm back into the swing of things and I hope I can get back to helping keep RN at the top of the charts. For now I will just be focusing on general publishing as my schedule is still a bit sporadic, but I plan to help whenever necessary. I always have some way to connect to the blog and others no matter where I am and that is always helpful in last minute emergencies and such. In case I am a new face to a large majority of you all, I think we can all benefit from a little description of myself so nobody is unsure about my personality and such.

As I said, I am a junior in highschool, and have been playing roblox for over 4 years, and still going strong. I am a music fanatic and I can't go anywhere without a pair of headphones (preferably my studio Beats) and my iPhone with me. I'm really into every kind of music from house techno, to dubstep, to smooth jazz, to heavy metal.

One thing everyone should be aware about me is that I am fairly argumentative and pretty stubborn. If I believe I am right, I will argue until I fall asleep. I have gotten very good at arguing due to the fact that I have a tendency to argue about everything ever since I was born, so if you feel the necessity to argue with me, you might want to make sure you are 100% right before you enter my verbal battlefield.

I've been gaming since I was around 6 years old and I now play too many games to keep track of all of them. If anyone has anymore questions about what I am going to be doing on RN or just about me, you can contact me on skype at "attemptedsuccess," on twitter @NovaRBLX or on steam at "No Vindication".



  1. I forgot to add, I'm learning object-oriented programing in java at the moment as well.

  2. I sent you a request on skype. Please accept! =)

  3. I didn't get your request ross, you might want to resend it.


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