
Monday, March 19, 2012

Interview with Mentalmath!

Today I caught up with Mentalmath, an avid forumer!


1) When did you join ROBLOX, what appealed to you the most?

I joined ROBLOX through school in 2009, it was all my best friend was talking about.

2) What was the first game you played?

I would always go to my own place, but I often went to War! CTF by scripttester123

3) Was this game memorable? why?

It was because I enjoyed choosing different vehicles to ride in. I liked flying in the plane and shooting down on the other team.

4) What is your favourite part of the site? Why?

My favorite part of the site is the forum because there are many interesting discussions.

5) Who is your favourite player? Why?

My favorite player is Sheeppie because he makes a lot of great clothes and has the same interests as me.

6) Do you enjoy foruming?
I love foruming, even though I have only been foruming on ROBLOX for about 4 months.

7) Which is your favourite forum section?

I like Off Topic the most, but I still frequently go into ROBLOX Talk.

8) If you were CEO for the day, what would you add or improve on ROBLOX?

I would want to improve user creativity by creating more tutorials to follow when you join the game.

9) What is your favourite type of chocolate?

I like white chocolate, it's creamy and rich.

10) Pork or Steak?

Steak is good.

1 comment:

  1. Sad, no "Waffles or Pancakes?" question :P. Overall nice review, but I shouldn't expect anything less coming from Arbirator ;)


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