
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

RoMaze Gear Review

I was browsing through the catalog recently, when a gear item caught my eye. Recently ROBLOX released a new gear item called the RoMaze. It looks very similar to other gear items such as the Gamaboi, and is only R$650. I tested this gear item and was very amazed at how well-scripted it is, so I've decided to review it! This review will be different as I will not review the mesh and texture but I will review how well this was scripted, how good is the RoMaze game, and the creativity of this gear.
Programming: 10/10

The RoMaze is just incredible, and the scripts are almost flawless. The game is all about moving a dot around a grid-like maze. The animation is amazing and unlike anything else on ROBLOX. The game is scripted well, however, there is one bug in the script. There are three game modes, Newb, Learned, and Experieanced (Experienced is spelled incorrectly in RoMaze). I tried each game mode and discovered that the Experieanced level does not load. That's the only major flaw with the script. The rest of the script is perfect.

Game: 8/10

The game is all about navigating through a maze, with a twist. In each level all of the dots must be on a blue spot. You have to avoid red spots and grey spots can teleport the dots. However, I noticed that the levels where you have to move more than one dot were much harder than the levels where you only had to move one dot. Some of the levels in the Newb mode were very hard, and the levels in Learned mode were next to impossible. The RoMaze game is great but the levels are too hard. However, it is a good time waster.

Creativity: 9/10

I've seen maze games similar to RoMaze before, but RoMaze has new elements in it. RoMaze is very creative and unique. It's very original.

Overall: 9/10

Scripts are amazing
Very creative
It's a good time waster

Experienced level doesn't load
Levels are very hard

Follow me on Twitter, I'm NonstopEpicRBLX. I'll tweet you about upcoming reviews and anything else related to ROBLOX.


  1. Nice review. However, even as good as one makes this gear out to be, I won't be buying it as I am the chairman of the "we hate mazes" club. Whenever I come across a maze in my many gaming adventures, I get mad. I wouldn't play one for fun-- or 650R$!

    1. Lol, I can't believe there's a we hate mazes club. This gear item is mainly for those who want a challenge.

  2. I only use the Video Game gear for when I'm waiting for someone/something in a game.. I do think they're good time wasters!


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