
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Group Blackouts-- An Analysis

Recently I came across some rather large protest in the Clans and Guilds section of the ROBLOX forums, claiming that on the 1st of May, multiple groups were "blacking out" in a style similar to the SOPA blackouts of recent times. Now the blackout is continuing on for another 24 hours-- but is there any realistic effect achieved by such a protest?

The reason for this blackout, it should be said, was a protest against the increase in exploiting of the ROBLOX game. While it is a very just cause, the idea itself is tried and tested and doomed to failure. One could blame the admininstrators and developers of ROBLOX for not listening; but the fact is that they do listen, and have heard.

When discussing exploiters I always tend to use my "bicycle wheel" analogy; developing a game is like attempting to patch a bicycle wheel with rubber from the same tire. You may cover up one exploit but you've caused other weaknesses in the system, which ends up with one big flat tire.

The average user of these games may not realise that it's not as easily done as said. Some may argue that there's no work being done on the game and ROBLOX is simply pumping out features and leaving their game unprotected. Regardless of what these people say; ROBLOX is a game, and when developing a game, the game comes first, unsurprisingly.

Getting back to the blackout protest; although some of the biggest groups on ROBLOX may have shut down for the day, it really isn't enough to get someone's attention. Unless someone is paying particular attention to the groups people are in, click on the Groups page or go to the Clans & Guilds section, you are likely to miss this protest.

So what's the solution? The solution is to let the admins get on with their jobs-- however hard it may be. I have every confidence that they're doing their utmost to patch exploits, which is why other features such as the Trading System has been delayed so long.

So a protest is futile. You can't change the course to fixing the exploits-- That's the current course.

Disclaimer; TheEasterZombie's Rants are completely impartial and do not represent the views of ROBLOX News or its editors.

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