
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

August Swordfighting Tournament Information

     Yes, you read that right, it's now time for the final tournament of 2012! In August, it's going to be different than June. It's going to be better than June. You will see many improvements to our tournament place, which can be found HERE. There will be a new host this month, I chose him because I watched him host the Final match, I have to say, it went much more smoothly than when I did it. He is our very own... Arbirator! I'll be supervising, to make sure everything is running smoothly and efficiently. I will make an attempt to attend all of the matches.

How to sign up
1.) Send an email to
2.) Make the title "ST RN Sign Up August."
2b.) If you don't make that your title, you will simply not be admitted.
3.) In the message put some of the things you've accomplished in Swordfighting. Also, some extra details about your Swordfighting skills.
3b.) No skills necessary.
4.) Also, make sure you're able to attend the matches, we had some issues with people attending in June, we don't want to experience that again. 
5.) That's it, press send and I will reply with a yes or no if you've been accepted or denied.

1.) NO Complaining, this means no complaining about your spot.
2.) NO Cheating, this includes Cheat Engine or any other method, none of that is tolerated.
3.) NO Being bored! If you're bored, leave, your dullness is not welcome.
4.) ANY skill is tolerated.
5.) Participant MUST show up to his/her matches. Absence results in disqualification, no questions asked.

More rules may be made as we get closer to the event.
If you're planning on participating, I urge you to read these rules.

     There are consequences for breaking these rules. If you break one of those rules, you'll be kicked from the place, your name will be written down. If you break the same rule or a different rule again, you'll be banned. If a more serious offense is made, you'll be permanently banned from the place. If you are in the tournament, you'll be disqualified and banned for repeat offense, kicked for first offense.

Dates & Times:
Round of 16, Match 1: August 2, 2012 11:30am PST
Round of 16, Match 2: August 2, 2012 11:45am PST
Round of 16, Match 3: August 3, 2012 11:30am PST
Round of 16, Match 4: August 3, 2012 11:45am PST
Round of 16, Match 5: August 4, 2012 11:30am PST
Round of 16, Match 6: August 4, 2012 11:45am PST
Round of 16, Match 7: August 5, 2012 11:30am PST
Round of 16, Match 8: August 5, 2012 11:45am PST
Quarter-Finals, Match 1: August 6, 2012 12:00pm PST
Quarter-Finals, Match 2: August 6, 2012 12:15pm PST
Quarter-Finals, Match 3: August 6, 2012 12:30pm PST
Quarter-Finals, Match 4: August 6, 2012 12:45pm PST
Semi-Finals, Match 1: August 6, 2012 1:00pm PST 
Semi-Finals, Match 2: August 6, 2012 1:15pm PST
3rd/4th Place: August 7, 2012 11:45am PST
Final: August 7, 2012 12:00pm PST

Yes, the tournament ends a lot quicker than ever before. I can't make it any later because I have stuff to do for school. So, all of the matches will take place in the same week. I will not reschedule, if you're planning on participating, please make sure you can make it. If I don't make it on one day, it means I'm probably doing something more important, in that case, I'll reschedule.

That's it, we're done after that and we have to wait for next year's tournaments! 

Staff members may enter this tournament.

Thanks for reading! (Yes, I did it in English now)


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