
Monday, July 16, 2012

Gifts of July 9 2012 - July 15, 2012

The week has ended and all of the gifts have opened. Some of the gifts had stuff in them that were epic, others did not.

Deep Sea Gift of Sharks - You had to obtain this gift by taking it while it was free. Inside you found a shark!

Gigantic Gift of Freezing Temperatures - You had to take this gift while it was free in the mornings. Inside you found Ninja Mask of Oceana!

Shiny Gift of Illumination - You had to take this gift while it was free in the afternoons. Inside you found an Illumina!

Bombastic Gift of KABOOM! - You had to take this gift while it was free on Friday for 10 minutes. Only 5 people managed to do so. Inside you found Bombastic Domino Crown!

Gift of Royalty - You had to take this gift while it was free. Inside you found a crown!

Exclusive Gift of Trivia - You had to answer trivia questions on Twitter, no one did that, so I made it free. Inside you found a question mark!

Most of the gifts didn't have anything good inside of them, but I promise, this week there will be better gifts!

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