
Friday, July 6, 2012

User Item Reviews #2 Fate of Two Legends

Hello, and welcome to User Item Reviews #2! This time, again, it's a retexture, but this retexture has a twist. It has a very unique style. It blends two pieces of the owner's work. This item is Fate of Two Legends made by the Retexture Artist Official Channel Admin Helloppl1404. Also, who do you think made the name of that retexture? Yes, it was me, not that any of you care, but I should get a share of the credit. Anyways, this retexture shows two sides that fought, but ended up merged together, hint the name, Fate of Two Legends. There are two sides, one that's purple, and one that's lava.

When I first saw this, I knew it'd be good as a hat, but there are too many hats with the same mesh. Lets hope for a slide for this one, because I'd definitely buy it. The retexture it's self show's how it's possible to create something if you put your mind to it. This serves as a purpose to get people thinking the things that haven't been. And this has shown it. Be creative. Be original.
Remember to send in items that you think should be reviewed to @TREVORRBLX on twitter. Who knows, maybe your item could be the next one!


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