
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Void Star CLASSIC Hat Review

Hello, BillCheesey5 here, today I'm reviewing the classic hat, the "Void Star". Enjoy.
The Void Star

 "Void Star to zer0, Foolishly dereferenced. No call stack. All g0ne."

Mesh: The mesh is that of a crown, and it seems to be placed on your head correctly. So far so good. It has spiky bits all around it, and has some knobs (?) on the front, which I can't seem to understand, although without them, the Void Star would be a bit plain and bland. This hat has a very nice mesh, it gets a 9/10.

Texture: The texture is a bit plain and colourless, but with colours like yellow or green on it, the Void Star would look out of place and silly. It's colourlessness gives it a certain quality of an empty void, hence the name Void Star. The name matches the texture, which I really like. The hat gets a 10/10.

Public Enjoyment: This is where I ask people on Twitter how much they like the item I'm reviewing. 

@Phantomazing: I had it before. It was awesome. Goes great with everything. Then I sold it for Halloween gift money...

@JonathanCotton2: It be pointy.

@PlusJack: It's cool. One of the best hats on my best hats list.

@LiLDJX: It is epic.

@nPwn: It's classic, good hat. The price has raised a ton since it first went limited. I don't think it looks good alone. So wear it with another hat of some sort.

@ToniToniROBLOX: Not that interesting visually. Mostly desirable because of the general hype around it.

@NinjaOfGuitar: The hat is an amazing classic. 

And RN's very own @Blue_Jay_13: Es muy bueno.

Overall: Overall, this hat is classic, has the correct qualities of a void and matches the texture. Also has a great mesh and appears to be enjoyed by the community. Overall, 9/10. 



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