
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Water Park Building Contest 2012

     Yes, it's that time of the month again for another building contest. This one is as told in the title, you must build your own water park. You can make your standard water park where you have slides and such. Or you can build a water park with the new water making tool. Whether it be a water park at the beach, with a water slide that leads into the ocean. Or whether it be a water park in a terrain mountain area with over twenty slides that lead into a lake. It's your call, it's your water park.

1.) No free models. Please try your best to make an awesome water park.
2.) Users may submit 2 entries only, no further exceptions.
3.) The place must be playable by every user. This means no BC only, friends only, personal servers, etc.
4.) The place must be completed, we don't want to visit an unfinished place.
5.) No stealing. This means, be original, be creative. Don't copy other people's entries.

How to enter:
1.) Send the link to your entry(s) to
2.) Title the email "Water Park Building Contest 2012," so we can know what it is.
3.) Include your username, please.
4.) Tell us if you can contact us if you win to receive your prize.
5.) Include a short reason on why we should pick your entry.
6.) Send it in.

These can happen if any of the above rules are broken. If you don't follow instructions or the rules, you're automatically disqualified. No matter your place's detail. I'm not hesitant, I will disqualify if I need to. So, if nothing of the above is included either, or too little of the above is included, we won't read your email, we will delete it.

Myself (Refreshingwater)

The contest starts July 5, 2012. The contest ends July 31, 2012. Plenty of time to impress me and Arbirator.

There will be only one winner and he/she will get an internship right here on RN!


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